Here's Kate checking you over.
Yesterday my mother had her car inspected and it passed with flying colors! Good. Also Rotary had a speaker from PNC talk about their mergers and the economy in western PA. Good stuff. Dee went back to work at McGinnis and received lots of "welcome back" hugs. They were really glad to see her because she's a good worker and has a good attitude.
I did some reading during the day and then in the evening we watched part of President Obama's speech and then Dee and I used the hot tub and relaxed with a pinot grigio. It's like a little vacation. Some of the shows we like to watch were recorded and so we got to see them on our schedule.
Kerri had called during the day and let us know Kaitlin did well on her 2 week check-up. She's back to her birth weight and then some more. She's up to 8 pounds 6 oz. now. Kerri said they also actually got some good sleep too. PTL.
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