Yesterday I took Dee's car for the 3,500 mile oil change. Everything is fine with her car. We took Bonz for an extra long walk, about two miles since the weather was so nice. We walked down to the pool and found that the hours are 11 AM to 8 PM. It was about noon when we went and saw that there weren't many people there yet. That's good to know as it gets very busy later in the day.
In the evening we went to the Rotary Installation Dinner at the Butler Country Club. It was a nice event in a beautiful setting. We sat with Roger and Ann whom Dee got to know at the Rotary Social a couple of weeks ago. Next to me was man from Egypt who is a Vetinarian and just opened his own place on Route #228 not far from our house. We had a good conversation. As it turns out he is an Orthodox Christian and had attended seminary in Egypt. He's interested in taking continuing Ed courses from time to time at a good middle of the road seminary or graduate school. I mentioned Pgh Seminary to him and that it would fit the bill. The other people at our table were nice to visit with and to get toknow a little bit better. I see them at the Rotary Luncheons but don't get to talk with them much when they are at other tables. I think there were about 50 people at the dinner.
He told me about his practice. We'd noted that he's having an open house on Saturday and that Dee may go since I'll be away at the Music Camp for Barbershop Choruses. I leave today at about 12:30 PM. I'm looking forward to going and learning what this "Chord Ringing" is all about and how to do it right. Should be a lot of fun. I'll be back on Sunday afternoon.