Yesterday was Memorial Day and my Bogmeister Harmony Chorus sang a 30 minute program at the Passavant Retirement Home in Zelionople. It was a first for me and quite an experience. The director put me smack dab in the middle of the front row. (So I could hear the basses behind me and hear the notes I wasn't sure of.) It went fairly well. The director said if you don't know the words, just smile and mouth the words "watermellon" and "cantalope". That way, your lips are moving and your not creating "noise" for the actual singers. Anyway it was fun. I concluded that knowing the words is more important than knowing the notes. Once the words come, then the notes will follow. So, back to working on memorizing the words. Dee went along, and the group went out for lunch at UNOs after it was all over. We had a nice time and sang about 4 songs there including "Happy Birthday" to someone there celebrating their birthday.
We discovered an "off leash dog park" in North Park about 12 miles from our house. It was fascinating taking Bonz there and watching him interact with other dogs off leash. There must have been about 30-40 dogs there. Lots of room to run. He was cautious at first, but after a few minutes took to it real well. Occasionally, he'd seek us out to make sure we were there. We're hoping to take Bonz to the park about once a week.
Since we're getting ready to go back to NJ for a few days when I help lead a marriage communication seminar for the Air Guard and also visiting folks in our former church, I'm taking a break from doing the blog. Not sure when I'll start resume it... Thanks for reading.