Whew! it's been awhile. Life has been busy this summer and gotten in the way of adding to this blog. Here's what's happenin'...
Since my mom had her license taken away, I've been going to her place once a week and taking care of the bills as well as other stuff to get her taking her meds in a timely way, doing some grocery shopping and meeting with her social workers and nurses who come to the house to do an assessment of her condition and needs. (Of course mom can't figure why these people come to her place because "she doesn't need anything.")
Anyway as we get our ducks lined up for her to be able to stay in her home, I've been preoccupied with that. Along with calling people and introducing them to our new "Leisure Travel Consultant" business and encouraging them to see the kinds of trips we'll be going on for wholesale prices. See - http://www.aiello.worldventuresdreamtrips.com/ (click third icon down on left labeled "what") Also, to learn about the business side of World Ventures, they watch http://www.aiello.worldventures.biz/ (click button #2) time has been fleeting.
Those two things, plus singing with the Bogmeisters at two events since my last entry along with weekly practices and preaching two of the last three Sundays has kept me going.
Then there is conversations with Kerri and ogling our new granddaughter, Kate. Sending photos back and forth and hearing about how she's growing all round out our lives very nicely.
I just finished reading The Dream Manager, by Matthew Kelly. It should be a must read for all "managers" and people who want to grow both personally as well as in your professional life. It's a fast read and a profound one as well. GET IT, you'll be glad you did.
Dee and I ordered a new laptop computer from QVC and it should finally arrive this week. It's an HP - 17" screen with 4 gig of ram, and 500 gig of memory. Also comes with a blue Ray DVD player and other perks. should be nice.
We're also considering changing our finished basement around some. We've been using it as it was originally set up using the TV cords and speaker cords where we found them. However, we think we'd like to turn things 90 degree angle and use a different wall for the TV. At the far end of the room. It would allow us to have a larger space for television viewing and allow more people to watch it comfortably at the same time. We had two guys come out from "Control Freaks" to give us an estimate and see if it could even be done without bashing through wall or ceiling. They were very helpful and reasonably priced. We'll likely do it as they've suggested. Then we'll have to get come new furniture to go with the new arrangement. (We've been using stuff that we brought with us from NJ and was more suited to the set up there.) We stopped at Room Concepts on route 19 and found some items we thought we could live with, but want to measure and see how the TV looks gains a different wall.
Lots happening but tomorrow Dee and I get to finally go to our own church together and sit in a pew after several weeks of missing our place due to various scheduling conflicts.