Yesterday was a full day. I had some blood work done to get a baseline for our new doctor. An especially nice feature of that was that it only took a half hour from the time I left the house till when I returned home. Then with that out of the way we had a nice breakfast (where I really did "break" the "fast".)
After that I got a phone call from a church about interviewing for an interim position. The caller gave me some background about the church and the previous pastor's experiences there. We talked about the church's strengths and weaknesses and what he thought they wanted from an interim. It was the church we visited last Sunday (It seems the person they went to hear didn't work out.)I'm familiar with the church a little but it was interesting to hear some of their "journey" these last few years. I agreed to meet with them this Monday night (Well there goes my barbershop chorus practice for this week.). Later in the day I began to write down questions I'll have for their committee at that meeting. The caller asked if I have a taped sermon I could send the committee and I told him that my last two years of sermons are online as podcasts at . It was a good and encouraging conversation and I look forward to meeting with the committee with my questions and the possibility of doing some preaching again.
After lunch we decided to look for curtains for the bedrooms. Dee spots these sales in the newspaper for buy one get one free plus 20% off. Fortunately we took a sample of the bed cover with us and so could match colors in the stores. We finally settled on ones for two or our three bedrooms. When we got home and tried them one pair was perfect, and the other was too heavy for the kind of "no tools needed" curtain rods we decided to use. (They are the coolest curtain rods I've ever seen - they have a twist for tension feature and press on the inside of the window frame, but the rod actually sticks out into the room and past the window frame.)
We also began to work on our new puzzle completing the frame of this 1,000 piece challenge. Later last night we went to the Carnegie Science Center to watch two programs in the OMNIMAX Theater. One was called "Stomp" which showed peoples from abound the world taping out various rhythms on drums, stringed instruments, bells, horns and various homemade percussion items. Most of them danced while they stomped out the beat. Fascinating. I could only thing how different this show was and that my mother would probably have enjoyed it too since she is into dancing so much. The other program was "The Lewis and Clark Journey to the Pacific". It chronicled their experiences back in 1804-1806. It took them 28 months in all. Only one person died on the trip through horrendous conditions. It noted to then tremendous value a Native American woman, Sacajawea, was for the trip. With our new membership to the Carnegie Museums trips to the Science Center are a real treat. They were having a sleep-over there for kids and about 500 of them showed up with sleeping bags and chaperones. I guess they had the run of the place for the evening (although they didn't affect our experience at the theater section).