I've decided to try to learn a little of the html computer language to make this blog easier on the eyes. I figured out how to separate the paragraphs, but not how to indent the paragraphs. So, I went to the library (While Dee was at Contours) to find a book to help. I found one of those "Idiot's Guide Books" that seemed user friendly. We'll see what happens.
The Lenten Luncheon at the Mars Presbyterian Church yesterday was nice. The preacher (who I found out later ws a graduate of Princeton Seminary, too)spoke on the theme of God's enduring grace. He used the illistration of going on a vacation and never leaving the end of the street. He likened that to Christians who never grow in grace and never seem to get any benefit from their faith in Jesus beyond the ititial saving grace. He noted that was sad when God wants to give us so much more in this life. The food and fellowship were excellent. The woman sitting next to me was from the Methodist church and played the harp. She said that she'd always wanted to play the harp, and so she bought one in Indiana called a "harpsicle." (Small and portable about 25#s.) She said she hoped to learn to play it when in her retirement. But then she added, that when they retired and moved back to this area, she saw an ad for a pianist at the local Methodist Church, accepted the position, and now doesn't have time to learn to play the harp as she'd hoped. The guy next to Dee was from the Alliance Church and there were two Lutherans on the end. There were about 70 people there in all.
Dee and I had been wanting to locate a local theater hall where concerts are held and where free first run movies are shown a couple of times a week during the day. It's called Kean Theater. We found it only about 8 miles away. It started snowing and since the forcast was dire we headed home. I hung another wall plaque in the prescribed location and did some reading. Later in the evening after the snow stopped, Dee and I went to the Catholic Church Friday Fish Fry and then stopped at the Auction Barn to watch the auction. I haven't been to an auction in decades. It's a great place to go and people watch. We didn't sign up for a number and so we didn't bid on anything, but it sure was fun to watch and get a feel for the ambiance of the place. They have these auctions every Friday night. The website is http://www.theauctionbarn.net/ . I look forward to going back from time to time.
The other day while browsing through a store called Ollies, I came across a book called Ten Dumb Moves That Christians Make. Here is what was listed:
1. Sling Mud on the Bride of Christ (the Church)
2. Winning People to the Church Rather Than to the Lord
3. Living Below the Level of Our Beliefs
4. Speaking Above the Level of our Knowledge
5. Hopping From Church to Church
6. Fighting Among Ourselves
7. Missing Golden Opportunities
8. Settling for Mediocrity
9. Allowing Wolves Live Among the Sheep
10. Accepting the Unacceptable
As I read the list I couldn't help but agree. Sometimes it seems as Christians we are our own worst enemy. And this is so sad when we live in a world that really needs to hear the Good News of the Gospel.