Yesterday we just did some catching up and I was able to go to Bogmeister Chorus practice in the evening. We've started working on our Irving Berlin Show for the fall. And I learned that we're selling flowers as a fund raiser. They come from a local nursery that has a good reputation in the area. I'll be sending the flier and price list out to people I think may be interested in getting some flowers. The order will have to be turned in by May 11th.
Today, I went to the Men's Bible Study group with Earl and then came home. Dee and I transplanted an rhododendron plant that didn't do well out back. We think the deer may have had it for dinner one night. We'll see how it fares in the new location. Shortly after we finished it started to rain and the temps dropped from 75 to 57 over a couple of hours. It's cool now and damp. So we decided to go to Barnes and Noble to peruse the books and magazines. We talked with Kerri briefly - she's doing well and so is the baby. They take her for the two week check up tomorrow.
Tonight we're going to watch "Scoop". A movie we got from Netflix. I'll call my mom to remind her of her appointment to have her car inspected tomorrow morning at 9.
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