"The last three days have been busy. Dee has been doing her workouts at Contours, and I managed to go to Rotary on Wednesday. And then work on my "curriculum vitae" per Jan's suggestion. I plan to try to see if I can teach at a community college here in the area. And to do that, I have to pull together my work and educational experiences into one document as part of a "resume" called a "vitae".
"On Thursday we went to the Cranberry Municipal Open House where they showed plans they have in mind for the next 25 years as the township grows. There was a musician lots of things to look at and then a ticket drawing with lots of prizes at the end. We had some pizza and walked around looking at the displays. Then, I saw someone I thought I recognized and so I spoke to him. It turns out we were both in Rotary in Wilkinsburg at the same time. And now he lives right behind Mars High School. His wife was with him and so the four of us chatted awhile. He worked in Wilkinsburg as the administrator of the Jane Holmes Residence there. He is now retired and the Residence is closed. We exchanged cards and hope to connect in the future.
"We left for awhile and went to Barnes and Noble to look at books and magazines. Dee went across to Pier One too. When we returned to the municipal event for the ticket drawing, we won two tickets to a place in the Strip District where they play live music. The tickets were for a band that plays music like the bank "Journey" later in August.
"Then on Friday I worked at the men's invitational golf outing at Treesdale - 11 hours. It was different this time. I worked one of the "closest to the pin" par three holes. A hole-in-one would win a new set of golf clubs. But, the closest 24 guys then got to be in a "shoot out" on another par three hole. It took two of us to work the hole. One guy encouraged them to buy into the contest at $20 per person, and my job was to measure all the drives that landed on the green. I think I measured about 45 of the 144 drives landed on the green. At the shoot out for the 24 guys, a hole-in-one won 20 thousand. I left during the shoot out to go home to a delicious pork chop dinner after a long day in the sun. Dee busied herself during the day with some shopping and working around the house. Then we finished the evening watching Monk and Psych on TV.