Monday, September 8, 2008

Quartet Debut

Whew! Sunday was a busy one. Haven't had a long busy Sunday in months. But, yesterday I sang with a quartet at church and there were two services (8:30 AM and 11 AM) with Sunday School in between. Then Dee and I had a nice lunch with Earl and Marilyn before I had to go to the Guard Base to lead worship there at 3:00 PM. While there we had a nice visit with Fr. Jack too. It felt good to participate in the ways I did yesterday doing the kinds of things I like to do. ;) Go Steelers! (we missed the game, but they won without our help.) Here's a photo of our quartet during the early service... (Remember you can always click on the photo to enlarge it.)

The pastor spoke from Matthew 18:15 on the theme of "reconciliation" in relationships. He mentioned how much life in America has changed and we don't know our neighbors and often live in near isolation today. For instance, he said that although bowling is on the rise, more people bowl alone than in leagues today. He talked about how people's homes were open to friends who had "refrigerator rights". That's when a friend is close enough to be able to open your fridge and make themselves at home without any thought of "offending" you. His main point was that relationships are vital to a healthy mature life, and when something injures our relationship it's important (spiritually) to work toward reconciliation.

Our dog Bonz is doing well after his stay at the dog park during our vacation. He sure seemed happy to see us. I was able to install the rope lights on the deck and down to the hot tub on Saturday. They look very nice. So we tried them out last night - ahhhh. That hot tub felt good after a busy day. And the bright moon in the stary sky added just the right touch to close out the evening.

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