Friday, September 12, 2008

Another Day in the Life Of

Here's another photo from the Dude Ranch trip. It's a recruiting poster. And note that "Feed, Food and Ammo" are included Hummm.

Well, Dee put in her second day of work (afternoon shift this time). She said it was a good day and that time went by quickly. She's becoming friends with a couple of the other employees. I went to the store with her and met a couple of the owners by chance. McGinnis Sisters is only a mile from our house so it makes the job very convenient for us. They haven't opened the cafe part yet, and so Dee is doing other things in the deli area and loving it.

On the other hand, I spent the day doing several things I'd been wanting to get done. Printed some pictures from our trip that I hadn't gotten to yet; went to Treesdale to hit balls on the driving range and then decided that since it didn't look busy to see if I could play 9 holes - They said, "Sure, no problem." So I played the Grove course. My score was higher than I wanted, but my drives were a whole lot better. I just have to remember to set up the way Christ instruct me to. I had some very nice drives and one par. (Just inches away from a birdie!) I've only had about 4 birdies in my life.

After golf, I went home and took Bonze for a short walk, heated my dinner, and then too Bonz to the Dog Park for some socialization and exercise. There were about 20 dogs there. We had a nice time. After getting home, I did the vacuuming and then went to get Dee at work. And we finished off the evening watching "Burn Notice".

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