Yesterday was a quiet day for us. Dee went to Contours to exercise and I did the treadmill while watching "How They Do It." I learned about how they make banjos, down and feather pillows and faucets and plastic bottles and jelly filled donuts (The person who squirts the jelly into the donut makes 49 per minute.) I never cease to be amazed at the assembly lines and precision tools that are used to make the products we use everyday.
      We live in a housing plan that is almost complete. They still have two units to build. One of them is behind our home down over the hill. They started that new housing unit yesterday. I thought I'd take pictures of it as they work on it and note the progress from time to time. Here is a picture of their first day on the job.
      The lectionary readings for this next Sunday will be from Matthew 21:1-11 (Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday) and Isaiah 50:4-9a. (That's if your preacher is using the common lectionary readings for the Christian year.) I like to read them over, do a little research on them and think about them ahead of time for the Sunday worship experience.
      Here's today's quote from the chapter on "Balance" from Everyday Greatness, "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it." And another reads, "Ultimately time is all you have and the idea isn't to save it but to savor it."
      That sounds a lot like "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." from the Psalms.
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