Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New People, New Experiences

      As you can see we finished our third jigsaw puzzle. This one is of a golfer whose big grin indicates his happiness over finding that his golf ball didn't go in the drink after all, but landed on a large lillypad. We bought this puzzle for 50 cents at the Mars Library booksale. You'll note there is a piece missing in the lower right side. Tra-la.

      Yesterday we met new people and had new expereinces. Dee went to a "newcomers luncheon" with a new friend from church. The luncheon was at the Highland Country Club. She said there were about 60 people there and told me all about the people she met and the speaker (an image consultant - who said there are 4 basic body types - and that each "type" has certain kinds of clothes that flatter that "type." It sounded like she really had a good time. I'm glad she went.

      I on the other hand went to the local clergy meeting and met some new pastors and got to know others I'd seen at the lennten luncheons from a distance. Our discussion centered on music in the church. Of the 6 pastors there, half of them said it's nearly impossible to get people to sing in adult church choirs these days. (Evidenced by what we experienced at the church we're attending where the adult choir only sings once or twice a month, with other musical groups filling in the other Sundays.) As one pastor said, "It's a major time commitment to sing in a church choir. Probably more than any other thing in the church." He's right. Later I learned that several of the pastors are golfers. I look forward to golfing with them. Think spring.

      I stopped at a local restaurant to try their $1.99 breakfast. That's when I bumped in to the lady I sat next to at last Friday's lenten luncheon. She plays is a music director at a local church. I joined her for breakfast and we continued the topic of church choirs and music. She agreed that getting people to sing in the church choir is difficult, and that getting them to wear robes is even more difficult.

      Later I stopped by the local campus of Butler County Community College to see what they're offering in the way of non-degree adult education courses. Nice campus. When Dee got home her doctor called and indicated her blood work numbers were all very good. Praise the Lord. The exercise and vitamins and fish oil are doing their thing.

      Today's quote says "Part of happiness is learning to enjoy even the less invigorating parts of the journey." and "One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magicl rose garden over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today."

      Speaking of what's happening outside my window, here's the picture from yesterday's progress on the new housing unit.

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