Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bogmeister's Quartet sings at Yankees Game !

Last night I went to the Yankees vs. Pirates game to take pictures of our quartet (I'm not in it.) singing the National Anthem. There was a near record attendance at the game (3rd highest in that stadium for a Pirate game.) So it was quite an honor for our group's quartet to sing.

Here are some other pictures I took of the quartet. Here you see them before, during and aftr they sang.

After the game we stopped at Atria's right next to the stadium for mild and cookies. We met Johnny angel of "Johnny Angel and the Halo" fame. It was a nice time although the musical duet was a bit loud for my taste. Fortuately we ate outside so that helped with the sound.

Earlier in the day I'd gone to the Rotary Club meeting and made an announcement about their singing at the game, and I also put in a plug for our July 25 Open House and July 11 singing for Cranberry Community Days. I also picked up the sign that was used at the golf tournament because I can still get use out of it to advertize the Open House. Just have to get permission to place it in a high traffic area where people will see it and take note of it if they are interested.

All in all a memorable event. And I'm thrilled that I got to post the video on this blog. It's the first video I've been able to post. I took it with my little digital camera set to video mode. Even the sound came out well. Cool.

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