Friday, May 23, 2008

Time with Mom

Yesterday was Dee's actual Birthday. Since the day started cool and rainy we decided to go visit my mom and take her out for a belated Mother's Day lunch. As we drove down it got sunnier and sunnier. It turned out to be a beautiful day. We took her to the Ponderosa because it has a salad bar and lots to choose from. I hadn't been to one of them for many years. This one was very nice. And the selection was awesome. They had a salad bar, a hot food bar, a soup bar and even a dessert bar. I was pleased to see my mother eating well. Often she just seems to pick at her food.

While in that area we stopped at Lowe's and got a plant, and I even found a battery for my mother's kitchen phone at Radio Shack. We had a very nice afternoon together. I also picked up some of the clothes she was altering for me. The pants fit much better after she shortened the length and took in the waist. I think she has the shirts' sleeve length correct now and she'll tackle them next. We got home about 5 PM and took Bonz for a nice walk around the court. Dee also had a couple of messages from friends on the phone wishing her happy birthday. Her colleagues from work called and left a message for her on the phone - they sang happy birthday. Dee really seemed happy about that.

As the sun began to set I took the picture of a deer behind our house (at the top of this page). As you can see the grass and shrubs are filling in nicely. Lots of green. (Click on it, and then move the picture around and you'll see the deer more clearly.)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Few Photos

Here are a few of the pictures taken by Andrew Nelson (he was "Flash") during the surprise birthday party for Dee.

Yesterday was a laid back kind of day. It was overcast and cool and damp so we stayed inside and did some projects at home. I finally hung my diplomas from college and seminary and graduate school along with a really neat photo we'd framed of my chaplain military team. I hung them in the loft above the loveseat. They fit perfectly and they acutally lined up nicely. We took a couple of walks with Bonz around the court and I did get to Best Buy to check out a home theater sound system for our large screen tv. Don Forcht mentioned at the party that he[d help me install the speakers if they had to be spliced onto the existing wiring in the house. Later in the evening we watched the season finale of NCIS and SHARK on TV.

I did some background research for my up coming sermon at Penn Hills Baptist later in June. In the process I mistakenly deleted the printer driver for my wireless printer and so I went to the internet and downloaded a new one to my computer. (Haven't done that in a long time.) But it worked! Then I practiced some songs on the Qchord that I might use when I preach this summer. I'd like to get to know them without the sheet music so I can look at people when I play instead of looking down at the music from time to time. We'll see.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Shave and a Haircut

Yesterday Dee went to Contours to workout and I went to get a haircut. It's always a challenge to find a barber that you like. But I returned to the place I'd gotten my last haircut. The gal that did my before was busy with a couple of little kids, so I got the other guy. He's been cutting hair for40 years off and on. It's a second job that he does now that he's unemployed from driving huge trucks that carry tons of rocks. He is 58 and said that he somehow makes ends meet and when he retires, he'll be living on his social security. I understand there a lots of people who have no pension to help them. I count my blessings when I think of how my denomination required churches to put money aside for pastors' pension funds and how fithful those churches were to abide by those guidelines.

Afterwards we had a nice lunch at Red Robin with a birthday coupon they'd emailed us for Dee's birthday. Later we walked Bonz around the court and got some things done around the house. And I got a call from The FBC of Monroeville asking me to preach there on June 22nd. I had the date open so I said yes. That means we'll be tied up 4 Sundays in June (Twice for preaching, once for trip to NJ and once for trip to music camp with the Bogmeisters.) In the evening I went to Bogmeister practice, picked up the flowers we ordered from their fund-raiser and I went to Ol' Uncle Bobs for a time of fellowship with about 8 of the guys. It's nice to relax, chat and take the time to get to know them. Something I never felt I had the time to do because I was always looking ahead at what I had to do or get prepared for the next day.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Well Saturday and Sunday were a blast! I started work Saturday at 7 AM at the golf course. I was on my own as a starter for the first time. It went well. It was cool and wet, and so after lunch they sent us home. But that was okay because Kerri and Patrick were coming in from Bethesda. They arrived about 2:30. Our plan was to throw a surprise birthday party for Dee at 6 Pm, so Kerri and Pat took Dee up to see her mother in Butler, and then did some shopping to keep her outa the way. Meanwhile I went to Costco to buy some hamburger and hotdogs and buns. Then I came home and formed the burger patties. They were partially formed alreaddy, but too big. A lady at Costco said she just slices them in half and that they keep their shape. I tried it and it worked just fine. The Hebrew National hotdogs seemed a nice touch.

Kerri's friend Maureen was to come early to help me with set up. She did and she brought Arron Thomas (from our Seaview church) to help out. (Seems Arron came up from DC to meet and spend the day with Maureen.) They were both a big help. Guests started arriving about 5:45 PM. Maureen greeted everyone, took the dishes they'd prepared and put them where ever they needed to go. When Rod and Earl arrived I asked them to use the grills go cook the meat. They both graciously agreed and did a great job. The sun was out for awhile, and so it looked like we might be able to use the deck and the picnic table I'd built. However, toward the end of the cooking time prior to the actual arrival of Dee and Kerri and Pat, the rains came again and so we planned to do everything but the cooking inside. (That worked out just fine. There was plenty of room and seats for everyone.)

Everyone was there by 6:15 or so. I called Kerri to let her know they could come home now. (Our goal was to bring Dee back by 6:30 PM) Dee was clueless, until she saw all the cars around our driveway. It really was a grand surprise.

I provided the hotdogs and hambergers and soda, and people brought dishes to share. There were a fourteen people there from our Wilkinsburg church that we've know for 25 years now, along with some relatives of Dee's and a few childhood friends, and even three neighbors came over. About 30 in all. We had a nice time. Grilling the meat, and enjoying the fellowship. Then about 90 minutes into the party 12 guys from my barbershop harmony group came in as a surprise (no one knew they were coming but me) entertainment and that wowed the crowd gathered in our home. The high vaulted ceilings added to the richness of their sound. They also sang Happy Birthday to Dee barbershop style. And the quartet from the group gave us a preview of the National Anthem which they will be singing at the Priates/ Yankees game on June 25th. People were bown away! They also stayed and ate and fellowshiped. It's the first time we ever had some many people (40)in our house at one time...ever. It was nice to surprise the surprisers! And it was nice to have our neighbors as part of the event. They seemed especially happy to be invited and enjoyed being included.

It turned out much grander and better than even Kerri and I anticipated. A blessed time to be sure.

Kerri cleaned up everything with some help from others so Dee didn't have to do any cleanup work. Bonz was on his best behavior all night (the gentle leader was kept on him, and he was cool.) Then after everyone was gone, and the place returned to order, we all took a dip in the hot tub to relax. The air was cool, but the water was just fine. The light in the hot tub added just the right effect and the moon was clearly visible off and on between the clouds. What a day!

Sunday, I went to church at the early service as I was singing with the church choir for the first time. It turned out nice. I didn't stay for the second service to sing since Kerri and Patrick were only in town for a short time. We all had breakfast at First Watch, I showed them the country club golf course where I work in Treesdale, and then they left for MD about 1:30 PM. Then Dee and I watched the Pens defeat the Flyers for the 4th time. GO PENS !