Our Greater Cranberry Men's Chorus (bogmeisters) sang the National Anthem (barbershop style) on Saturday in Cranberry.( Click photo to enlarge.)
I picked up a couple of more books on Network Marketing - Question Based Selling is actually pretty good, and Your First Year in Network Marketing. They both given me a wider perspective of the ways our business has been run over the years.
What I like about being a Leisure Travel Consultant with World Ventures is that it offers a system of how to invite people to the various presentations. And that someone else actually makes the presentation. My job is just to invite them to either an evening event where a business overview is given in 30 minutes and testimonies are shared by people who've gone on the trips and are making good money in this part-time business, or to a luncheon where the overview is given (as well as testimonies), or to invite them to look at the online overview at http://www.aiello.worldventures.biz/ . The travel industry is exploding right now and 43% of all online ecommerce is travel related. It's a 8 Trillion dollar industry! And there are 10,000 baby boomers turning 60 every day. Many of whom want to travel more for less money. That's what we offer. It's the right industry at the right time (and I don't have to store anything in my garage (vitamins, candles, baskets, juice, cosmetics etc.)) Just point people to my web site and interest other people on this great opportunity to make some significant $ from home part-time. And of course go on these dream trips from time to time ourselves. at ridiculously low prices.
The company has a tremendous training and support system in place. Conference calls a couple of times a week if you choose to listen in and even offer questions when you have them; training sessions locally every other week, video training online, a great manual and workshops every month in a different city around the country. The acceleration workshops are where the action is and Dee and I look forward to going to one soon. The last one was in Las Vegas and there were 1500 people there learning how to grow the business. The one this month is in Denver. Good stuff.

Our Bogmeisters sang on Saturday at the Cranberry Cup Ceremonies. There were a couple of thousand people there. It's a fund raiser for a needy family in the area. They brought the family in on a fire truck with sirens blaring and lights flashing. Afterward we went to some of the businesses in the area to get ads for our concert program. While doing that we sang at some of the stores to customers. Fun.
On the home front my mom is back home. She'll see the visiting nurse today. And on Thursday the social worker will be there with us. We'll begin learning what services she qualifies for and how she's doing. She is no longer allowed to drive her car. I plan to be with her more often as we work through these changes. And the fact that Faye and Jan have experience in this area (navigating insurances and the social work maze) is very helpful as we proceed week by week.
Our granddaughter Kate is doing well and turns 16 weeks old tomorrow. Although we only saw her for a day last week before heading home, it was worth the trip down to spend time with her and to allow Kerri and pat to go out on a date knowing Kate was in good hands.
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