Yesterday was a quiet day for me. Dee had to work so I hung around the house. The window guy came and washed the outside of the windows. I did some reading of stuff on selling and wrote an article for the local Chamber of Commerce newsletter. I also decided on a text and title for the sermon I have to preach next Sunday at our church.
I talked with my mother for a while. She seemed to be okay. I keep trying to encourage her to participate in the "bell ringing" at her church. She said she used to like doing that and that she knows she needs to get out more. But when Tuesday comes, she's not very motivate. She does go to the senior center but I don't think she teaches much line dancing any more. She said her group of interested women is down to about 4 people. And often they bring their own music. She says they'll get there before her and have it playing when she arrives. Therefore, they don't need her.
We did talk about the "Irish Jig." She said she'd like to learn it. I went online while talking with her and saw some people doing it on You Tube. I read her the directions for the steps. She was familiar with what I was reading, but just didn't have the sequence of steps down. We talked about 25 minutes. She didn't repeat herself and this was anew topic for her so that was good.
Dee's sister Ruthie called and said she'd been to see the headstone that was installed at the cemetery for their mom. She said it looked very nice. We'd just gotten word that the work was done.
Dee commented the other day that in two days she'd talked on the phone with about 5 friends and couldn't recall having done that while in NJ during the whole 12 years we were there. It's like we were cut off from our past and just didn't connect with folks back here while out there. Each day we both find confirmation that our decision to retire was the right one at the right time.
When Dee got home, she was tired. It was a long and busy day at the store. She has just one more day before she takes a leave of absence. She's looking forward to that. I told her Kerri had called earlier in the day and was doing fine. Though her due date is April 17, she's hoping to make it to at least April 4. That's Patrick's last day for the intense classes he's taking. Kerri said the last week will be very busy and important to him work wise, so she really hopes to make it till then before giving birth.
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