Well, on Saturday one painter returned to do the first coat on the doors and to touch up the kitchen where the chair rail meets the colored walls. We thought he'd be here from 8 till noon. He stayed until 4 p.m. doing his thing! Wow what attention to detail these guys have! They'll finish on Monday with the mater bathroom and the second coat on the doors. I'm glad we had the doors done, they look soooo good.
In the early evening I drove to Beaver Falls to preach for a worship service in support of our military. Here is a photo one of the people took with my camera. Kind of fuzzy because they weren't close enough for the flash, but you get the idea
It was a nice service and gave people an opportunity to write the names of service personnel they knew and then walk up to the microphone and say the name and location and relationship of the persons they'd written on the cards. My message of "the importance and power of intercessory prayer" was right on target. Little did I know when I wrote it that it would fit for that service. I used a microphone that clipped over my ear and was flesh colored so that it was almost invisible to the audience (who sat around round tables). That was a first for me. That microphone was more effective than the ones you clip on your tie under your chin and more true to the voice (a lot less fading in and out of volume).
I spoke with Brad Neel, the pastor, about how he found me. An interesting story. He googled my name, clicked on a link that took him to Vic Jochen's church website, where he had a church bulletin posted that had my name on it for preaching there last summer. He called Vic and Vic gave him my phone number. I noticed that when they introduced me, they used a paragraph I'd written about my background for Vic's Church. Amazing!
The ride to Beaver Falls was 18 miles over mostly farm country roads. They gave me directions, but I was glad I had the gps to help on my way back as it was dusk, and I wasn't sure of a couple of the turns. The GPS was useless getting there though because it took my via the turnpike (which I chose not to do. I was almost 3/4s of the way there before it decided to direct me the way I was headed.
We watched the movie "Leagelly Blond" and then switched back and forth with the Pitt basketball game. It was a white knuckle game. Pitt lost by two points in the final 10 seconds of the game. Go Pitt!
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