Friday, February 20, 2009

Dee in the Newspaper

Well we got a couple of inches of snow during the last two days and the temps have been in the teens and low 20s - burrr. I think I'm ready for spring. Yesterday's Cranberry Eagle printed a picture of one of our quartets. Dee is in the photo as the recipient of the singing valentine (see photo from Feb. 11 on this blog) I had sent several pictures to the paper with an article, but they just printed one photo and it was that one. Still, Dee became the hero at her workplace because the photo description identified them as being at her store. Nice.

We had another visit by the GIANT raccoon on Tuesday night. So on Wednesday at Rotary I asked if anyone know what to do with a raccoon. One of the people at my table said, "My husband loves to trap them and remove them." I couldn't believe it, but there was the answer I wanted to hear. She said he'd be willing to come over and set a trap with an apple and peanut butter. So, on Thursday he came over with his cage trap that has a trap door that closes behind the critter when he goes for the apple. We set it out last night. But the cold and snow likely deterred the raccoon from wandering much last night. So it'll be interesting to see how this develops. I can see the trap outside my basement window as I look over the computer monitor.

I've been doing some reading about the Barbershop Harmony Society, it's history, it's offerings and ways to promote it within our community. I'm learning it's a process and that there is a cumulative effect as you stay with it and get your group's name before the public.

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