Well, the snow and ice continue to do their thing. Here are a couple of photos out our kitchen windows.
Yesterday I connected with Dena at church and we talked about the worship service where I'll be preaching on Sunday (both services)and she will be assisting me. Then I went back to the school where I left my music and notes to pick them up. I needed the notes to finish my Barbershop Newsletter. It call it "Berries from the Bog" since we call ourselves the Cranberry "BOGmeisters." ;) Anyway, it's an attempt to strengthen the relationships among the guys as well as increase the Chorus' awareness of what our Chapter is doing. My philosophy is that "you can't expect people to be responsible for doing what you ask them to do, if they don't have the information in the first place. BUT if you let them know what's expected and give them the resources to carry out their part, then the outcome has a better chance of being what you hope it will be."
We went grocery shopping in the afternoon and picked up some things we needed. I got some more cheese at Costco too. There were cheese demos going on so we got to try 5 different ones from Yancy Fancy Farms in NY. The were pretty gooda so we bought some "Champagne" cheese there, and I selected some Cheverai Goat cheese as well. I've been wanting to try the Cheverai since I read about it in one of my new Cheese books.
In the evening we decided to just stay inside, keep warm and watch some television. An evening snack of sliced apples, pears and champagne cheese was pretty good. We watched a couple of episodes of Burn Notice and then lights out.
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