Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Snow Squally Kind of Day

Since Dee worked yesterday, I was in charge of running around to pick up items we'd seen before in stores and decided to get, However, I began the morning by creating a flier for our Bogmeister show on December 15 at Pine Richland Elementary School. I made a couple of rough drafts and then sent them to the director so she could tweak them as she saw necessary.

I also began reading through old sermon files to see which ones I thought were good for future use and updating. I rather enjoyed reading my old sermons. They had stories in them and illustrations I'd taken from life and so reminded me to things that had happened to me over the years. It's funny how some of them I recalled instantly just by the titles.

I'd talked with my mother on Monday and she seemed to be doing well. She went up to the senior center since the snow wasn't sticking to the street. She said she was glad she went as there were four students there for her line dancing class. (She told them to call her if it ever snowed and they were not going to be going out in it. That way she'd not make the trip for nothing.) I reminded her that she should be about out of medicine and that it is time to refill her prescriptions. She mentioned that the doctor's office called and asked her to come in for a check up. The appointment was for Monday, but she called and cancelled it because of her day at the center.

When Dee got home after work, we had a delicious pot roast (PTL for the crock-pot.) with baked potato and corn. Yummmm! During the evening we watched some of our favorite shows on television - "Eli Stone," and "NCIS". The temperatures were in the 20s all day blustery out, so I pretty much laid low for the day. Although it was good to get done, what I did get done.

We're looking forward to Kerri and Patrick's visit next week for Thanksgiving. She sent some pictures of their new condo. It really looks nice. It's in Ashburn, VA and had a fenced-in back yard as well as three bedrooms, and a finished bacement. It looks something like our place with hard wood floors. They plan to move the week of Christmas so we're planning to go down for that. We'll plan to find a place for Bonz while we're gone. We decided not to take him this first time since there will be lots of activity unpacking and moving. Kerri is due about the middle of April. We're to find out tomorrow whether it's a boy or girl.

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