Sunday was a busy day us. Dee went to work at 8AM and I drove to Aliquippa to reach in the morning service there. I spoke from Luke 15:11-32 and used the "biblical storytelling" skills I'd developed many years ago. (That's where you memorize the day's scripture passage and then "tell" it rather than "read" it. ) Then the sermon is based on the passage told.
Many years ago I used to do that weekly for about 4 years. It was quite a discipline to memorize the entire reading for the week's text, but it actually helped me to get inside the scripture for the day. It forced me to think through the context as well as the nuances of the text for telling. (This practice came from my study of the book, Biblical Storytelling, by Tom Boomershine.
After speaking in Aliquippa, I drove to Ikea for their famous Swedish meatball lunch. Then drove to the 171st Air Refueling Wing of the PA Air National Guard base to lead worship for the unit there at 3PM. It's always good to visit with my old friend Fr. Jack Fitzgerald. I used the "biblical storytelling" approach there as well.
Back home, Dee had prepared a great dinner in the crock pot for us of turkey kielbasi and sauerkraut. Later we made some special holiday cookies for the Bogmeister "Christmas In October" open house on Monday night. We decided on a ritz cracker with peanut butter treat that was dipped covered in chocolate. (She put some parafin in the chocolate so it would set.) Yummm.
Afterward, we watched the Steelers defeat the Jacksonville Jaguars on Sunday night football.
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