Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Camera Experimenting

Yesterday we decided to have lunch at Red Robin - their bunless protein burgers are the best! Afterward we returned a livingroon picture we'd purchased. The colors didn't quite match what we have in our home. Then we spent a lazy day on the deck.

I've been experimenting with the camcorder Kerri loaned me. He's a short video of a red-bellied woodpecker having lunch. (I noticed that the picture gets fuzzier as I zoom in. That's because the camera only has "digital" zoon. Optical zoom is much better. This camera is fine if you don't zoom it much.)

In the evening I went to the Bogmeister Open House. There was a guest quartet there from the North Hills Chapter. I think they were called the "Steel City Singers". They did a nice job. I was asked to speak about my experience as a new member. The Open House events are nice as it gives potential members an overview of what Barbershopping is all about.

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