Well the trip to NJ was all we'd hoped it would be. Not only did I get to provide training for 22 military couples and work as part of a chaplain team of 5 chaplains (1 Air and 3 Army), but it was also good to review the PREP materials we used to teach them better communication skills. (Check it out at http://www.prepinc.com/ ). It was very windy the day we arrived and so the walk on the beach was less than what we'd hoped it would be, but it was nice to be there and Sat. was a better beach and pool day. The pig roast on Friday night was very nice with music provided by a guy who played an accordion hooked up to a midi board. It sounded like he was an orchestra. Superb. Dee hung out by the pool and did some shopping while I did the conference. Then later Sat. night we had dinner at Neils in Wildwood. (And saw Carl Davis there with friends. - Nice little reunion as we hugged and greeted each other.)
Sunday morning we went to Seaview for worship. It was wonderful to see the folks there again and to worship in the sanctuary again hearing Paula play the organ. (We stayed at Paula's place on the Thursday night and went to the Ancorage for soup after she finished choir rehearsal.) Afterwards, we joined Kay and Mae, Andy and Paula for lunch at the Club. It was relaxing and great to get caught up with people after being away for 5 months. Later we hung out at Steve's and then stopped to see Bob and Betty Morris in their home. What a great visit that was! Later, Donna Thomas hosted a gathering for us of people who'd come to Kerri and Patrick's wedding. There was food, lots of laughs and some birthday cakes for Paula. The Thomases went all out for us and even gave us a new puzzle to build. (Which of course we'll photograph once it's completed.) Dee had brought some of the wedding photos for people to see. http://kpjwedding.googlepages.com/reception has more of them.
We ended the visit with a Sunset Cruise on Andy's boat watching a beautiful sunset over the calm waters of the bay off Margate. All in all a nice trip. Dee got to visit with friends from where she used to work several times during our brief stay. And I got to golf twice with Steve to reconnect and have fun together.
While we were gone, Dee's mom, who'd been in the hospital, was moved to St. Johns Senior Care in Mars, PA. That's just down the road from us. So when we got back home, we unpacked the car, relaxed a bit, and then went to see her there for the first time. She looked stronger than the last time we saw her at the hospital. It's nice she's so close. Dee plans to take advantage of that and since it's also the place my Bogmeister's practice each week, I'll be able to pop in on her on Monday's while I'm there.
Today, we go pick up Bonz and have a lesson with him at Misty Pines Doggy Camp. It'll be interesting to see how he did and to train him to relax around new people, and when he come home to him.
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