On Thursday as we were on our way to McConnell's Mills, (see pic of the hiking trail there) we saw a guy taring a nearby driveway. We stopped and asked him how much he charged. The price seemed reasonable and he said he could do our place next if we wanted. We said yes. And now we have a nicely sealed and tarred driveway. It really needed it so, I'm glad we had it done and I didn't have to do it.
Yesterday, Dee went to see her mom in the morning and I went golfing at Treesdale - 9 holes. It was a beautiful morning for golf, and no one was there, so I was able to go at my own pace. Actually did well, for me. I had two pars and a couple of bogeys as well as the usual 7s. But it was a relaxing and invigorating morning. Dee said her mom had shown some decline since she saw her a couple of days ago. I guess she's not eating much and has lost weight since moving to St. Johns. Dee talked with the nurses and they're trying to talk her into eating more and monitoring her food intake. It's as though she's just tired of living after 93 years.
In the afternoon we took our patio umbrella back to the store. It was showing cracks in the pole and we'd only had it less than a month. Since they didn't have any more, we're currently poleless. But this being the summer season, I'm sure we'll find one on sale.
We spent the afternoon on the deck reading, and bird watching and of course wlaking Bonz around the court. Dee is reading her mystery books and I'm continuing to learn more from the the Idiot's Guide to Music Theory book. Currently I'm learning to recognize intervals or to create intervals between two notes. This'll become helpful for those songs when the note is sounded for the key we're in, and my part starts on a different note.
The system identifies the intervals that start some very familiar songs to associate with the interval you need. For instance if my first note is 4 notes higher than the key note sounded, I can find my note easily by thinking of the first two notes of the song "Amazing Grace" A- Maay" The second note is 4 notes higher than the first note, so that's my starting pitch for what ever song we're singing where my first note is 4 notes higher than the pitch sounded. The mnemonic device for interval pitches are all songs you readily recognize. The first two notes of Twinkle twinkle little star is a 5th interval between the first two notes, etc. I'm sure this is TMI for some of you, but I'm finding it down right fascinating.
While we're on the subject, here's another tidbit I didn't know before. To find out what key a song is in, you look at the key signature. And if it's in sharps, just raise the last sharp one note in your mind, and that's the key; For instance, if the key signature has an F# and a C# then the key is D. With flats you count back to the next to last flat in the signature and that's the key. For instance if there are three flats Bb, Eb, and Ab. Then the key is Eb. Cool. I often wondered what the key was of songs we sang in church, and now I have a way of identifying it.
We finished the evening watching some TV and working more on that puzzle.
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