Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Shave and a Haircut

Yesterday Dee went to Contours to workout and I went to get a haircut. It's always a challenge to find a barber that you like. But I returned to the place I'd gotten my last haircut. The gal that did my before was busy with a couple of little kids, so I got the other guy. He's been cutting hair for40 years off and on. It's a second job that he does now that he's unemployed from driving huge trucks that carry tons of rocks. He is 58 and said that he somehow makes ends meet and when he retires, he'll be living on his social security. I understand there a lots of people who have no pension to help them. I count my blessings when I think of how my denomination required churches to put money aside for pastors' pension funds and how fithful those churches were to abide by those guidelines.

Afterwards we had a nice lunch at Red Robin with a birthday coupon they'd emailed us for Dee's birthday. Later we walked Bonz around the court and got some things done around the house. And I got a call from The FBC of Monroeville asking me to preach there on June 22nd. I had the date open so I said yes. That means we'll be tied up 4 Sundays in June (Twice for preaching, once for trip to NJ and once for trip to music camp with the Bogmeisters.) In the evening I went to Bogmeister practice, picked up the flowers we ordered from their fund-raiser and I went to Ol' Uncle Bobs for a time of fellowship with about 8 of the guys. It's nice to relax, chat and take the time to get to know them. Something I never felt I had the time to do because I was always looking ahead at what I had to do or get prepared for the next day.

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