Yesterday, we puttered around the house with lime for some bare spots in the grass and watering the flowers, checking the ph on the spa and reading on the deck. (I'm just about finished with the Prince Caspian book.) Then Dee went to the dentist for some re-fillings and other work. That went well for her.
And I ended the evening by going to sing with the Bogmeisters. (Note picture above. The group has grown since this photo was taken. Susan Nist is our director.) More photos are available at http://www.bogmeisters.org/ The two new songs we were given, that I'd worked on, weren't used. (Duh!) The director wanted to give us another week to learn them. So we practiced other songs I'd not even seen before. However, at the end when we form quartets ad hoc and sing a song we do know, I did it for the first time with three other guys. It went ok. I missed one tricky part, so we finished the song, reviewed that part and then did it a second time. Good experience. It sounds different when you're not singing as part of a section, but are on your own to hold up your part. They also announced that the flower sales were going well. (We're selling flowers from a local nursery for a fund-raiser. (If anyone would like our order sheet I can email it to you very easily. Our orders need to be made by May 12th and they'll be delivered May 19th. From what I understand the flowers are a great buy - beautiful - and once people order them, they start looking for them to be sold again the next year and can't wait to get them.) Also, a quartet from our group was selected to sing the National Anthem at the Pirates game with the Yankees on June 25th. (They'd auditioned last week. Later that day they were singing to a waitress in the ballpark, and Johnny Angel (from the Halos) heard them and offered to let them sing between sets at one of of his events some time.) So cool.
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