Friday, May 2, 2008

The Test

Dee had been wanting to pick up an order we'd placed in the strip district so we decided to go to Pittsburgh yesterday. The weather was perfect. Rather than park the car and carry the order a couple of blocks from the store, I stopped the car in front of the store while Dee went in and picked it up. The owner helped her carry it out. I drove away then with Dee and the order to find a parking spot so we could do some shopping in the area. It was then I realized the store had given us twice what we'd ordered and paid for. So we carried one of the boxes back to the store and told the clerk. She looked at us in disbelief and said. "Thank you. You made my day." The over site was worth over $100. We're tested everyday. Some days you have to ask yourself what the price of integrity is. We sell ourselves short so often, it was good to do the right thing.

Then, we went to Wholeys and bought some fresh fish and frozen fish. Mr. Wholey was there and introduced himself. He recommended some fresh mussels "These just came in off the truck. They're delicious." Later, Dee steamed them. (A first time for her of preparing mussels.) They were delicious.

Then, we went to the Penn Brewrey for a late lunch. We like the atmosphere and the food there. It was good as usual. This local brewrey has won many awards for their micro brew so we bought some to take home as well.

I was able to play some golf at Treesdale after we got home. I played the "Grove" course for the first time. The first several holes were alone, but then I caught up with a couple who were slowed down by two foursomes in front of them. I had a nice time with them. One of the holes had a 75 yard drop from tee to green. A beautiful hole to look at and enjoyable to play. The couple I played with must play everyday. I asked the woman if she played often and she said she played 140 rounds last year. That's a lot of golf. Afterwards I had a nice conversation with one of the rangers about working there. His name is Joe, and though it's his first year, his son was one of the pros there years ago and so he's been working 4 days a week. He used to run the golf course at South Pointe for many years. Later, Dee and I sat on the deck and did some reading. And I also practiced some of the barbershop songs. During the day I'd gotten a phone call from a Deacon at the Penn Hills Baptist Church about preaching there on June 8th. He asked me to give a message that fit with the Children's Day theme. That'll be fun so I said yes. All in all it was a good day.

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