Yesterday while Dee went to Contours, I walked the dog. During the walk I saw a man near the construction site of the new homes behind our place. I spoke to him and we began a conversation. He was the project manager for the homes being built in our plan. We must have talked for 20 minutes about the process. He said it takes 120 days from when they break ground, till when people can move in. As we were talking another guy drove up and stopped. Turns out he's the person who knew all about the furnace and air filtration systems in the homes. I quizzed him on how they work, and when and how to replace the various kinds of filters. Very helpful. When I got home, I saw Steve online and IMed him. He called me on the phone and we chatted for awhile. Since we last talked one of his tennants had a house fire. They had only been in the house 3 days. Steve sent pictures of the damage that will run into the tens of thousands of dollars. He said Paul Anselm went to check it out and was extremely helpful with the insurance adjuster. In fact, the adjuster wants to use Paul's report it was so thorough. (way to go P-A!)
Later Dee and I went plant shopping in a nursery nearby. It was huge and quite fascinating to see and read about the various kinds of flowers. All new to me. We picked out a few primrose - reds and yellows and Dee put them in the front of the house just outside the front door. I also got hold of the "jacuzzi" service man, and he'll be out to set us up on Thursday morning - I'm looking forward to that. He said it would take about an hour.
During the afternoon, I sat on the deck and read my Ben Franklin book. Ben was negotiating the peace alliance with Britain. He was quite a diplomat. Fascinating stuff.
I finished the evening with another practice with the Cranberry Barbershop Harmony Chorus (Bogmeisters). It was good to be there and to sing. I can see where it takes practice, practice, practice to do it right. We worked alot on the song "Good Night Sweetheart, Good Night". The fact that I can read music sure helps. I got the application to join the group last night. It's an enjoyable time, I learn stuff, and the people there are there to have fun and to try to accomplish something that brings pleasure to others. Jim is going to get me his "tape" of the pole cat songs (songs every barbershopper is supposed to know by heart) so I can hear the bass part and learn it between practices.
While I was at practice, Dee was able to get caught up with Kathy on the phone, who'd returned from their two week trip to Hawaii. They had lots to talk about. The work on the 5th puzzle proceeds. It's amazing how each piece fits only in one place. And you can tell when the fit is perfect. And the more you work at it, the better you are able to see where the pieces fit. It's a fascinating visual and mental process to be sure.
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