Yesterday was a nice day. I got to go and hit balls at the driving range at Treesdale while Dee went to her gym to exercise. My experience at Treesdale was cool. I got a cart, rode up to the range and hit away to my heart's content. It was warm and quiet and a beautiful place to be. (I wasn't ready to try the course yet, although I could have if I wanted to.) But it was nice to think that I have those privileges now. Awesome!
We did a little shopping afterward and found some shelving at Target for my books. (We're hoping to empty out a few more boxes with this new shelving.) The rest of the afternoon I took Bonz for a nice walk and we visited with neighbors from the back deck. Later I did some reading and bird watching on the deck. I saw two Pilated woodpeckers in the trees beind out house _used my binoculars - they were having dinner. I'd never seen woodpeckers that big (19 inches tall according to the field guide). See picture from the field guide below.
They were cool to watch as they spiraled down the tree (on opposite sides) looking for ants to eat. When they got near the bottom, they must have struck pay dirt as they stayed there for about 10 minutes. Although they were too far away to photograph, they were neat to watch.
I also practiced learning some of the words to my barbershop music. To do it right you have to memorize the words to each song. That'll take me a while, but I'll get it one by one. I can't quite hear the notes yet, but that'll come with experience and with actually knowing how the song is supposed to go. It would be nice to have a cd of the songs with the bass part on it.
The construction on the housing unit behind our house has progressed. Now much of the work is being done inside. Here's a photo from our deck of the exterior. I've noticed that the "model home" office has been closed (just to the left of the new unit in the photo) and the driveway has been dug and paved. Evidently they've sold all the units in our plan now. That's good.
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