Yesterday, Saturday, week took the curtains back that didn't work for Dee, and picked up others that will, then, we headed to town to see how Station Square had changed over the years. Navigating the streets of Pittsburgh is a challenge when you haven't been there for a long time. Plus the various construction detours add to the fun. We asked a traffic policeman for directions. He started to tell us, but traffic backed up behind us, so he had us pull over. Then he told us the route to take and had us make a u-turn right there in downtown, so it would be easier for him to explain. It worked and we found our way across the Smithfield Street Bridge.
We noted the many changes in the mall. A newer section was built along the river so you could see the city skyline better. We noticed that several of the store spaces in the mall were vacant. That disappointed us because we thought it was a really nice place before. It seemed dead inside. Although lunch at the Sesame Inn was superb and quite reasonable. We also found two really good maps of downtown that I'll study so I have a better grasp of which roads go where. Later when we got home I took Bonz for a nice long walk.
Since the weather was so nice (mid50s) I decided to go play golf. PTL ! (First time since moving.) I went to Lake Vue North. A nice little course along Route 8. It was "cartpath only" for the rental carts, so I decided to use my new pull cart. Tht proved to be a good decision as it was soggy in many places. I've only played golf in Western Pennsylvania 3 times before and each time I rode a cart. Yesterday I walked! Whew! Now I know what they mean when they talk about the HILLS of Western Pennsylvania. Walking them is quite different than riding them. Often, after arriving at the site of the ball, I had to pause to catch my breath before hitting the ball. I had a great time (even wore my pedometer and put on about 6,000 steps) and scored 45. That's bogey golf and I was happy. I actually had one birdie and two pars during the day. Which is great for me.
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