Yesterday while Dee was at Contours, I took Bonz for a two mile walk around our court yard and then down to the clubhouse and back. I'm trying to get him to walk along side me with a limp leash. That makes the walk more pleasant for both of us. It's coming along. During the walk, I noticed that many of the workers on the house being built behind us have beards, wear black hats with brims and blue shirts and black pants... I think they may be Amish or Mennonites doing the bricklaying now that the footers are in place.
I finally sent our taxes off to the IRS. Glad that's done. And I had a nice call from my mother about the pictures I gave her from the wedding. She'd always wanted a picture of me in my clerical robe and there was one of her and Dee and me walking down the aisle together at the end of the wedding. She seemed to especially like that one. She seems pleased we're back in the area. I also gave her some of my clothes to alter. Her seamstress skills are second to none, and I've lost some weight so she's taking in some pants, and shortening the sleeves on 5 shirts. The shirts were ones I liked but inadvertently got them with 34-35 inch sleeves instead of 33 inches. She said, maybe this will encourage me to get back to sewing again as she hasn't done it for a long time. (She used to alter clothes for a couple of the clothing stores in town many years ago.)
Here's a picture of this morning's sunrise with two skywriters writing their blogs in the sky...If you click on the photo it will enlarge and you'll see the second writer better.
My readings yesterday were from the lectionary readings for this coming Sunday. The author of the book I use reminded me that these next 7 weeks were are in the "Season of Easter" and so the Sundays are Sundays of Easter and NOT Sundays after Easter. So the focus is on spelling out implications of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If your pastor uses the lectionary, here's a head start for you for Sunday: Acts 2: 14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; I Peter 1:3-9 and John 20:19-31. In the church we attend they usually read the Gospel and one other of the selected texts and then the preacher selects one of them for his message.
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