Several people had asked about Kerri and Patrick's new place so here are some photos Kerri had sent me before she moved in...(Remember you can click on the picture to enlarge it on your screen.)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Kerri and Patrick's place
Yesterday Dee and I had a nice lunch at Freedom Square Diner. They'd sent me a "Half Birthday" card for a free meal, so we used it.
Then we headed home. I continued reading my FDR book as Dee did things around the house. Later we went to the Campbell's house for a lovely dinner and good conversation. Earl showed me some of the tools his grandfather, a blacksmith, had made to use in his trade. Fascinating stuff and still useful today. He also brought me up to date on the home improvements he's made over the last few months. He's turning that place into an up to date home with lots of useable space and rooms.
I called my mom during the day and chatted with her, and also talked with our daughter online a couple of times. We broke open one of the puzzles Kerri gave us (the one with no straight edges and 5 extra pieces) and began sorting the pieces into groups that looked similar. There are 750 pieces so this may take a while.
It's been quite a year... Our retiring and moving to Mars; Kerri and Patrick's wedding; the death of Dee's mom, Valora Kennedy; new opportunities for me to spend time with my mother in Monongahela; our joining a local Presbyterian Church; my joining the Greater Cranberry Barbershop Chorus (Bogmeisters); Our celebrating Dee's birthday with a surprise party for her complete with about 40 guests in all; Dee's going back to work part time at McGinnis Sisters; my doing some supply preaching for local churches (and helping lead a couples communication workshop for the Air Guard) and my working part time at Treesdale Golf Club as a starter/ranger (and golfing for free) and also serving as an axillary chaplain at the 171st Air Refueling Wing for four months; Kerri and Patrick announcing their anticipated birth of a daughter in April 2009 and their moving in to their new place in Ashburn, VA; our week at the Dude Ranch; and of course the many opportunities we've had to renew friendships with family and friends who live in the Pittsburgh area. Some of those friendships go back to high school days (and for Dee to elementary school days) as well old neighbors as well as friends from our three Pittsburgh churches (Mooncrest Community Baptist, First Baptist of Pgh. and Wilkinsburg Baptist). Yep - quite a year... God is good!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Employees' Christmas Party
Dee had to work yesterday so I went to get the dog at the kennel in the morning. He'd been groomed and didn't look any worse for the stay at thee kennel while we were gone. He was happy to get home.
I did some reading from my FDR book, and just relaxed until Dee got off work. Later we went to the Employees Christmas Party at Treesdale. We sat with a couple of the other rangers and their wives. The food was great and we had a good time. There was a DJ, but no one seemed to be dancing so we chose not to. It could be that some people danced after we left. The food was made to order and it was very good. Here's a photo from last night.
We ended the evening with a dip in the hot tub. Though the air temperature was relatively warm, there was a brisk breeze and that tends to cool anything off that is above water. We enjoyed to bubbles and gets as they relaxed our muscles. Nice way to end the day.
Monday, December 29, 2008
A Day of Exercise and Puzzles
Here are two photos of the hibachi volcano and pre-volcano from the Japanese Steak House on Christmas Eve.
Sunday we went to the local Sheraton Four Points Sunday Brunch using the coupon we'd received from them some time ago. It was a nice buffet with lots of choices and a very relaxed atmosphere. Many of the patrons wore their Steelers jerseys in anticipation of the big game.
After lunch we went to Walmart to pick up a couple of items. While we were there I saw they had one Wii Fit left, so I bought it. Interestingly, in the directions it indicated that if you are pregnant you should consult with your physician about whether or not you should use the game. Hummmm.
When we got home, we each had some house chores we wanted to complete before watching the game or playing the "Fit". We did the house things and then watched the rest of the Steelers win over the Browns. Then, we got the "Fit" out and tried it. I didn't really know what to expect. It has 4 sections of "games" or exercises. (Balance, Aerobics, Strength Training and Yoga) It measures your body fat index, helps you select a goal for weight loss and emphasizes posture and balance at all times. (When you stand on the "balance board" it calculates if you are leaning on one side more than the other. Then, the key is to do the challenge games while keeping your posture and balance centered.) We laughed a lot as we played. Some of the exercises (games) had a demo to show you how to do them before actually beginning the challenge - that was nice. Then each time you did them, the Fit kept track of how you did and how much time you are spending on the Fit.
We finished the evening completing the puzzle we'd started a few days before Christmas (puzzle number 7 I think). Here's a picture of the completed project.
For Christmas Kerri gave Dee two puzzles to build. They are mystery puzzles: One has two puzzles and a story. There are clues in the puzzle to solve a murder. AND the two puzzles are in the same bag (not separated!) AND there is no puzzle art so you don't know what the two puzzles look like; the other puzzle has no edges and 5 extra pieces. They'll keep us busy for awhile.
Then we finished the evening trying to solve word puzzles from our "Brain Workout book". We're actually having fun doing these and it gets us away from the couch potato watch television mode.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Dinner with New Friends

Here's another picture of Kerri and Patrick on Christmas Eve. Kerri is starting to have a belly showing as the baby is now about 5 months along.
Yesterday we just played catch up here at the house and then went to the Diner for lunch. Dee wanted to get a picture frame for the kitchen so we found one we liked at Joann Fabrics. We'll change the picture in the frame from time to time with "coffee cafe" pictures from a calendar we found that has some neat pictures on it. The picture frame came with it's own wall mount and hardware and even a level built into the wall mount so you could be sure everything was hung properly. It looks nice.
We worked some more on the puzzle and then went to dinner at a Bogmeister friend's home. They'd invited Dee and me and another couple. It was a fun evening with lots of laughs. The hostess has an embroidery business and she showed us her machines and explained how she got into it. She sends things all over the world. They have a lovely home with about 100 "nutcrackers" from just a few inches tall to over 6 feet tall. She starts putting them out the first week of November and they stay up until the second week of January. Very nicely done. We sang to a player piano for a little while. It had a nice honky tonk sound.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas with Kerri and Patrick
Well we were able to spend Christmas with Kerri in their new home in Ashburn, VA. They moved in on Monday and we arrived Tuesday to help with the final aspects of moving the remainder of their things out of their old apartment to their new "Tournament Home" at the Belmont Country Club. It has three bedrooms and a two car garage.
The first floor has a formal dining area, a gathering room and a living room plus a nice modern kitchen and breakfast nook and guest bathroom all on the first floor. Lots of windows and a fireplace to boot. The windows all have french shutters on them for privacy. The upstairs has the three bedrooms and a full bath, and the basement has a large room that is fully carpeted and finished. There is also a very large storage room at the basement level where the furnace is located. LOTS OF ROOM TO GROW INTO!
Their new place is about 32 miles from their old apartment in Bethesda, MD. Patrick and I made two trips with the remainder of the stuff not yet moved and we cleaned the apartment so the landlord could have his final walk through. We were busy the day before and the day after Christmas finishing the details. Dee and Kerri did a lot of the detailed work of putting things in closets and drawers and deciding what should go where.
The move has transported them from urban dwellers to suburbanites. There is lots to see and do in their new area with oodles of shopping and sightseeing sites. The love about 5 miles from an Prime Outlet Mall and about 9 miles from Leesburg, VA, a very historic area.
One of Kerri's co-workers attends a new church development that meets in an elementary school, so we went there for Christmas Eve. It felt different for me not to have to be doing anything in preparation for a Christmas Eve service after having done so for 37 years. The service we attended was disappointing to say the least. The children of the church sang a "12 Days of Christmas" song with different words that was cute. Then the praise band di a modernized version of the "12 Days of Christmas" that was loud and fast and not pleasant to listen to at all. The whole service lasted about 45 minutes. They had coffee and cookies afterward. At the close of the service the young preacher (shirt tails out - can't get used to that)announced that since "this service took so much effort, we'll not be having worship this coming Sunday so that you can spend it with your family." Hummm. I guess since Christmas was during the week, God wouldn't mind if we don't worship Him on Sunday this week. Or as my new son-in-law said "As it says in the Bible, "On the 14th day God rested."
Afterward we went to a Japanese Steak and Seafood Restaurant. Although we arrived early, we enjoyed the food there immensely. It was prepared Hibachi style where they prepare it in front of you.
Christmas Day we opened our presents and then had a delicious waffle and sausage breakfast prepared by the hostess in her new home. (see picture above.) Then we took a nice long walk around their development that has literally hundreds of homes and dozens of streets. The streets are all named after various golf tournaments - Kerri and Patrick live on "Solheim Cup Terrace." The weather was beautiful for a long walk - in fact the weather was beautiful the whole time we were there - even in the 50s. Later in the evening we went to Patrick's aunts house for a ham and turkey dinner. We met his aunt and uncle, and their children and Patrick's mom and grandfather were there too from Bethany Beach, MD. Gifts were exchanged and we had lots of food and lots of laughs. When we got home we watched a little television before going to bed.
The day after Christmas, Patrick and I made one last trip to the old apartment to get the final load of goodies and to clean out the refrigerator. When we got back to the new house, Dee and Kerri had emptied many of the boxes and bags that contained things that were not put in their place. About 1 p.m. Patrick's family came over to see the new place, and so Dee and I bid farewell to the"soon to be parents" and their new home and headed north to Pittsburgh.
Although the weather in VA was nice, as we headed north, things cooled off some. During the last 60 miles of the PA Turnpike we were greeted with heavy gusting rains. We endured the rain storm all the way to my mother's home where I checked to see if everything was okay in the house. And the rains continued as we headed to a party hosted by our old neighbors in Balckridge (Penn Hills). Many of our former neighbors were there and their children too (now all grown up 13 years later). It was nice to see them and touch base briefly before we headed back to Mars, PA. We also stopped at the Turners home in Blackridge and visited with Darlene. (Tom is an mortician and was busy on the phone.) We ended up back home safe and sound at about 10 p.m. Whew!
What a great Christmas we had with Kerri and Patrick helping them move in to their new home and just being able to spend time with them as they contemplate the new stage their life is entering (with the move) and in anticipation of a little girl in April.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Dinner with the Chorus
Last night Dee and I went to the Bogmeister Christmas Party Dinner at Delmonicos Restaurant in Cranberry. Almost everyone from the chorus was there and brought a guest. We had an eating area sectioned off to ourselves, and this allowed us to sing some of our Christmas songs during the evening to the delight of the rest of the patrons in the place. It was a nice evening of fellowship and music.
During the morning when we read the Post-Gazette, we both noticed an ad for a "Gourmet Getaway weekend" at Seven Springs Golf and Ski Resort that sounded pretty nice. It's a cooking getaway. It includes 4 meals, 4 cooking seminars and six cooking classes and two nights lodging for $399 plus tax and gratuity. It's for a Friday to Sunday in January (9-10). We decided to to go it. It sounds like a fun time away and maybe I can learn something in the process. Anyone else interested?
Today I take Bonz to the Kennel where he'll stay for a few days while Dee and I go to visit with Kerri and Pat over the Christmas holiday. We'll help them move in to their new condo which is larger than the apartment where they are now. We're looking forward to the time with them.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Baby It's Cold Outside
On Sunday Dee had to work so I went to church without her. It was the fourth Sunday in Advent. The special music was nice and appropriate for the day. I sat with the Campbells and then we later went out for lunch at Bob Evans. By the time I'd gotten home, the Steeler game was well into the second quarter. The game didn't go well and the home town lost.
When Dee came home, we watched the end of the game and also decided to finish off the chicken cacciatori she'd made the day before. Yummm. Then, since it was bitter cold outside (71 degrees) we stayed in and worked on the jigsaw puzzle and the "brain puzzle" book we'd purchased. We'd been wanting to see the movie "Wall e" so I'd picked it up from a red box and we watched it. It was cute, but now what I'd expected. It provided an interesting commentary on the "land fill" problem, and taken to extreme the people had to leave the earth while the trash was compacted. After years in space, the people got used to being served by robots and became so comfortable that they no longer had to walk or exercise and eventually forgot about going back to earth. A tiny green plant was found by Walle and the plant became a symbol to everyone that the planet was again inhabitable. However, the computers that had taken over didn't want to let the people return to earth.... hummmm.
Tonight we're going to a dinner with the Bogmeisters at Dominicos. Should be fun. But it's still very cold outside - in the teens. No snow - but COLD.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A Quiet Day
Friday was a qiet day. It rained very hard during the morning. Since Dee had to work, I just stayed put. Took care of things around the house, started the new puzzle and wrote some Christmas cards and wrapped the last few presents. Later when Dee came home, we decided to stay in to work on the puzzle and watch some television.
I'd picked up a new book the other day called Brain Games:Expand your Memory, Reasoning and Creative Thinking and More (vol. 3). It has all kinds of pencil games and it's challenging. Dee likes doing them too, so sometime we work on a puzzle together.
My sister called during her drive from Chicago to pick up my mother to take her to Philly. Normally they stop at my mom's place to rest over night and then head east. This time they were going to stop long enought to get mom and continue on to avoid the bad weather. Whew! That's a long drive from Chicago to Philly. We're all glad my mom agreed to spend time with the girls over the holidays. That way she won't be alone, and she'll be out with other people.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Shopping in Pittsburgh
Thursday Dee and I went downtown to pick up some last minute gifts (a "slide to jpeg" converter box for the computer). This will allow us to take some of the many beautiful slides we have and convert them to the kinds of files read by computers. Then, we'll be able to enjoy them again and again without having to set up the slide projector hoping that it works. We also got a "Toddy cold brew coffee making kit." We like iced coffee when it's made the right way (without ever touching hot water) and so we decided to make our own. It uses a pound of coffee at a time (we grind our own beans) and then makes 6 cups of concentrate that makes about 32 cups of iced coffee. We did lunch at Wholeys in the Strip District of Pittsburgh and had our coffee at the 21st Street Cafe - our favorite coffee spot.
Then, on the way home we stopped at Sams Club and picked up a few items before heading home. The temps were in the 40s and it was dry, so walking around town was very comfortable.
At home we began wrapping presents, and had a delicious roast with sauerkraut for dinner (thanks to the crock pot that cooked it while we were gone). We finished off the evening watching a PBS program about the history of the White House that we'd recorded earlier in the month.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Time with friends and our final "sing out"
Yesterday Dee went shopping with her friend Kathy G. all day. I on the other hand went to my Rotary Christmas luncheon. I took the Campbells as guests because a special musical group from Mars High School was performing as the entertainment. As it turns out the Campbell's granddaughter was in the chorale that played with the stringed ensemble. Here's a photo of the whole group.
The Campbells seemed to really enjoy themselves and the food was great as usual.
Afterward, I did some banking and got a prescription filled before heading back home. I spent a couple of hours with Bonz and going over my music for the last time before our final Bogmeister performance. We sang for the Butler Senior Center at Tanglewood in Butler. We had dinner there with them, and then sang our final "sing out" of the season. Whew! There were maybe 120-150 people there and they seemed to enjoy our music.
Back at home, Bonz and I did some reading until Dee arrived back about 9 p.m. with Kathy. (They'd been shopping for 11 hours!) Later Dee and I went out on the deck to go down to the hot tub when Bonz started barking. The we hears something run down over the hill. I got my flashlight and saw three pairs of eyes looking back up at us - they were deer. Bonz saw or sensed them in the dark and let them know about it. It was really neat flashing the light on them and seeing their blue eyed reflections looking back up at us in the dark. Then Dee and I got in the hot tub and enjoyed the happy bubbles kneading the strain from our muscles after a busy day with friends.
Here's another picture from the High School stringed ensemble (representing the best musician in each section of the orchestra)at the luncheon.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Bogmeister's "Winter Concert"
Here is a photo of the 500 piece puzzle we finished on Monday morning.
This one seemed to go pretty fast. Less than a week I think. Actually we began on the 11th and finished on the 15th. Five days - cool.
While Dee was working on Monday, I drove to Monongahela and picked up my mom for the Bogmeister's Christmas show later Monday night. By the time we got back to Mars, it was time for dinner. We picked up Dee and headed out for dinner at Smokey Bones. Then I dropped them off at home and drove ahead so I could be there early for warm up and last minute instructions. The Campbells picked Dee and mom up and took them in their car later.
The concert went VERY well. The attendance was good, and the people seemed to really like our music. I was pleased that 20 of the people I invited were able to come. There were the Fishers and Campbells and the Shafiks of Wilkinsburg day, the three Werme's from Mooncrest, Dee's great neice Ryanne from Seven Fields, Kathy G and Monica from Butler, the Millers and Bonessi's and Mindy C from Cranberry church. We raised lots of food for the Lighthouse pantry and a good time was had by all. We even had a change of "costume during the second half as shown in the pictures below.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Quartet Sings at Worship
Sunday I got an early start because we had to do our final quartet rehearsal before the early service at church. As it turns out all went well. For our song, "In the Bleak MId-Winter," we used microphones and that worked fine. But, I like to sing without them because then I can hear the other parts better. (Our director says that 50% of quartet singing is listening to the other parts.) After we practiced with the mics so the sound tech could get his readings, we went off to the side and sang without them, and the quartet actually liked doing that better.
In fact, we decided that next Sunday we're going to sing carols around the Christmas tree in the greeting area as people come into the building for each of the services. That wasn't my idea, but I was good to see that the quartet wants to get together to try some other familiar songs. Should be fun.
Afterward, we went to lunch at Hoolihan's with Earl and Marilyn C. It's a new place in Cranberry and the food was good. Afterward we went home, changed clothes and then back out again to shop for treasures we need for the holidays. When we got home, the Steeler game had already started. We watched the rest of the game with baited breath (whatever that means) and were happy they won. GO STEELERS! Dee worked more on the puzzle we started earlier in the week. I think a completed picture of the puzzle is coming very soon.
We finished the evening watching a Hallmark channel Christmas story. Today, I travel to Monongahela to pick up my mother for the "Show" tonight. I'm looking forward to the show. Some of our new friends from church are coming as well. That'll be real nice.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Exhausted - From Singing All Day
Well, Friday the Bogmeister sang in Saxonburg at the Library outside. It was cold and snowy, but the group went over very well. I wasn't with them because I had a Rotary banquet with Dee. However, they then came as part of the entertainment for the night at the banquet. I got to sing with them there, and we went over very well.
Here are some pictures of our "Tour de Butler" today when we sang in 7 assisted living and nursing homes. If you haven't seen my real Santa hat, (Santa is going down the chimney) then here it is. The second picture is of our "Sharp Edge" quartet at the Mars Youth Home where we started at 8:30 AM and then went to 6 other places and got back home by 4:30 PM. A LONG day, but we saw lots of smiles and heard lots of applause.
We brought a lot of happiness to people. I think they were surprised at how well we sounded. We were on our game, but as the day wore on and our voices wore out, it got harder and harder to sing. Our "show" is about 35 minutes long and then there is the MC who has a few jokes and introduces the music selections. We were all done in after it was all over. We didn't stop. And we probably put a hundred miles on the cars (we carpooled) so there was absolutely no "down time". At one point, one of the cars didn't make it to the Sunnyview Home (they got delayed) and so we had to go with what we had. (It is always import to have all four parts represented.) I was the only bass at that point. So I had to carry my part. It went well and the guys thought I did well. But I sure was glad to see the other 3 basses at the next place again.
It was good to get home. The shower felt awesome! Dee and I chilled and worked on the puzzle and relaxed. I have to get up early on Sunday and go to the early service as well as the 11 AM service. I'm singing with the quartet from church at church. Then, Monday night is our program for "friends and family" when I'll bring my mother to hear our concert. That's what we've been practicing for. Today was like one LONG practice is preparation for Monday night.
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Cold Day but a "Hot Tub"
Yesterday I did some reading from the book Visiting in An Age of Mission, by Ken Callahan. I thought it might be helpful as I begin this process of volunteering as "Minister of Visitation" at our church. The book has a lot of good insights not only about methods of contacting people but also about 9 different categories of people that you might visit (like first-timers, occasionals,inactives and others.) I was surprised to read that visiting "first-timers" is the easiest and visiting "inactives" is the hardest of the nine to visit. And of course I've been asked to visit the "inactives".
The author says the "inactives" really are not inactive. He says they're active, nonetheless, trying to find community, meaning and belonging in other parts of their lives. He also said that most people who become inactive, do so gradually and not because they leave in a huff. They miss a couple of Sundays and no one seems to care they weren't there and they just gradually drift away. He also talks alot about the biblical mandate to visit and to care. I've appreciated his perspective on the task at hand. So, I've got my work cut out for me.
Yesterday I practiced some of my barbershop music and also the Qchord. (I have a cartridge that has Christmas songs on it and thought I'd get reacquainted with it.) I also did some things around the house and had a nice talk with my mother about picking her up on Monday for the "show" and about the possibility of her going to Philly to be with my sisters for Christmas.
Later I stopped in to see Dee at her work, and then stopped at Best Buy to check out an external CD/DVD burner for my desktop computer. When I bought this one, it was near the bottom of the line and doesn't have a burner.
I also stopped at Barnes and Nobel to peruse some books and found one titled Who Speaks for the Muslims? Since I know very little about Islam and what they believe, I thought I'd look it over. It's a book about what actual Muslims believe and value, rather than a history of the religion. It's the result of a Gallup World Survey of tens of thousands of Muslims from 35 countries. I found it fascinating. For instance the survey revealed that only about 7% of Muslims are from Arab countries. I revealed how the average Muslim is a person of prayer, highly values family and believe that their religion is a very important part of their daily life. (Like 95% vs. about 57% of Americans who value their religious beliefs.)
Since it was a cold snowy day, I went back home. After Dee arrived, lit the fireplace, wrapped some Christmas gifts, listened to some Christmas music and made some finishing adjustments to her village on top of the fireplace. Also, we continued working on the new puzzle we started the day before. It's a winter scene by Jane Wooster Scott (there were four puzzles in the box - one for each of the four seasons of the year.)
Then, we decided to enjoy the hot tub... Amazing - I pushed the inch of snow or so off the deck and steps with a squeegee blade, turned on the rope lights for ambiance. It was strange having snow land on your bare back as you stepped up into the hot tub. There was no breeze to cool you off even though it was 32 degrees out. The hot water was soothing and with the jets doing their thing, it was really nice. Looking out over the homes behind ours, they looked like the little village on our fireplace. Lights on the street in front of the homes, a soft coating of show on the roofs, grass and street and steam rising from the hot tub. Kind of idyllic and very relaxing.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Caroling with Rotary
Yesterday Dee went to Contours to workout and then shopping while I went to my Rotary meeting. After Rotary about a dozen of us went to three Nursing/ Assisted Living Homes to sing Christmas Carols to them. One of our guys dressed up as Santa. I'd not gone with them on this before so I stayed in the background at the first place.
However, it became evident that they needed a little "organizing" so that we at least looked like we knew what we were doing. So that asked me to find the first note of each of the songs and to select the ones they'd sing. It was all off the cuff, but it went well. I had some fun introducing the songs and our group. I directed some of the songs and got the people to sing with us. I even had them do a little choreography (swaying to "We Three Kings") along the way. We had fun and the people seemed to appreciate our coming. One of the guys took his two doberman pincers along (They were trained as therapy dogs I think, and so they fit right in with bells and all.)
When I finally got home, Dee had already returned. We chilled out in the afternoon and began working on a new jigsaw puzzle together. (It's always fun to see how long it takes to build one - 500 pieces.) Then after dinner I had to go to the church for "quartet" practice. We'll be singing at both services this Sunday. We'll do "In the Bleak Mid-Winter" a cappella style. I pretty much have the words and notes memorized and feel confident I can do my part well. I think some folks from the church are going to our Bogmeister "show" on Monday night. That'll be nice.
I sure do like the music of the season. Our bird feeder has been busy with titmouse, white-breasted nuthatches as well as the downy and hairy woodpeckers. The gold finches have their winter coats as do the purple finches. Occasionally I scare a squirrel away from the feeder. He tries to get the split nuts in it, but isn't very successful because of the nature of the feeder and it's inaccessibility.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Another Surprise Sighting at Barnes and Nobel and 57 Degrees Whew!
Yesterday, I picked up Earl C. and we went to the men's Bible study at the church. We have a good time learning about the flow of the Old Testament history and visiting with the other men. There were 7 of us there yesterday. Earl really enjoys being able to share his thoughts about life and living in the world today with the guys. We all do. It's low key and relaxing. The brief video provides good input and a launching place for discussion. When I got home, Dee went to Contours to workout, and then when she came home, we decided to go to Waterfront Mall. We'd not been there and many years, and we had a PF Chang's gift card that we wanted to use. Surprisingly, getting there was a breeze - no traffic whatsoever.
After lunch, we strolled the stores. I was looking for a burgundy v-neck sweater so we went in some of the clothing stores. The first three we went in to had the music blaring so loud, that we took a quick look and got outa there. Unbelievable. While Dee went in someo of the stores, I sat on the benches and watched the shoppers and enjoyed the very mild weather and the Christmas music playing outside along the streets.
Eventually we found Filene's Basement. Lots of nice stuff there. I did find a pair of dress gloves for the winter that were nice. By the time we finished there the holiday lights were turned on in the mall and it was beautiful. I figured that we'd hit the rush hour traffic, so we went into Barnes and Nobel for a coffee frappachino. While we sat there a woman walked by us, Dee thought she looked like an old friend and called her name. As it turns out it was Cindy R. An old neighbor from Blackridge. Dee used to babysit her daughter for several years while we were there and Kerri was good friends with her sons. So, for the next half hour we reminisced and got caught up on what's been happening for the past 13 years! Awesome.
I continue to be amazed at how often we are connecting with old friends and renewing our friendships. This has been a good month for doing that.
As we headed home (about 28 miles) we noticed the traffic was all going in the opposite direction. We virtually sailed into downtown, then out I279 North and arrived back on Mars in no time. The GPS was very helpful as we initially left the parking lot and got onto the Homestead Hgh Level Bridge heading in the right direction. Dee was able to talk with Kerri on the phone and all is going well there. A Great Day! God is good.
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Cold Cold Day
Sunday we went to try out Sunday school classes again and then stayed for worship. We sat with the Campbells and had a nice chat with them after church. We were able to visit with other folks too, as it seems they are getting to know us some. Lots going on and very festive. They don't decorate like Seaview does, but the decorations they do have look very nice.
We went to the Freedom Square Diner for lunch and while we were there two people we know from church came in toward the end of our meal. Nice to connect with them again. They are among the first people we met and she is in Dee's women's SS class.
We went home (it was really cold outside) and hung out till the Steeler game! Go Steelers! It was a good game and they beat the Cowboys. After that we watched a movie and then a new show was on called "Leverage" - a kind of "high-tech" Robinhood plot.
I did hear from my former church. They met with a candidate for the pastorate there and liked him enough to call him to be their next full-time pastor. He'll start in March.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Where's Waldo?
Yesterday, while Dee was at work, I drove to the Air Base and led the protestant worship service for the 171st Air Refueling Wing. That's the fourth time. Their chaplain will be back for the January drill. It was good to connect again with the folks there. Interestingly the chaplain team I worked with are all still there after 13 years, although one person became full time and works in another office.
Afterward, I drove in the snow up to the Bogmeister's gig at the Butler Country Club. We were "carolers" and stood in the hallway singing as guests came into the building and checked their coats. They kept coming by and every once in a while people would applaud. After it was all over, a couple of the staff said "awesome". We did sound good, and the people were within 10-15 feet from us, so they got a good dose of holiday music. LOTS OF FUN! Here's a photo of the group that sang last night. See if you can find Waldo.
Since neither Dee nor I had eaten much all day, I picked up Dee after the singing gig and we went to Smokey Bones for a nice steak dinner (coupon for ten dollars off, and then got another five dollars off because we got their "Scrooge card". Great meal, and reasonable price. At home we watched the Hallmark channel's "The Christmas Choir". Good stuff.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Back to Mooncrest after 35 Years Away

Here are two of the three curtains Dee made for the kitchen area for the holidays. Nice work!
Yesterday we went to Freedom Square for a breakfast because we had two coupons for free breakfasts. It was the last day for the coupons and the place was packed. But we like the place so we waited a LONG time.
After returning home and changing clothes we went to the funeral of Betty W's brother in Moon Twp. We stayed there until the service began, then we went to the church. It was Mooncrest Community Baptist Church, my first pastorate out of seminary. We were able to visit with about 10 of our former members after all these years. We left there about 35 years ago, so it was quite a reunion! It was good to see the place again. It brought back a lot of good memories and we were able to get caught up on what happened to folks and their children. Lots of fun and like a blast from the past. We stayed at the church until the people started coming in for the two o'clock luncheon. Then we left and headed to Beaver Valley Mall. We hadn't been there since we left Mooncrest Church.
We walked around and looked at the sites. It was nice to not have to be buying anything. Then we used the GPS to find the quickest and best route home. It worked just fine. We were about 18 miles from our place when we left the mall. At home we had leftovers of that beef stew, rice and potatoes and even ham.
It was bitter cold out, so we stayed in and I read in the living room with the fireplace and Christmas lights on, and Dee watched some television, before she did some cleaning of the master bathroom. We watched a program we'd recorded called. "Naughty or Nice" with Goerge Lopez, a Christmas story about a mean sports announcer who is challenged to be "nice" on the air. A comedy with a cool ending.
Friday, December 5, 2008
My First Visit
Yesterday was my follow up visit to the periodontist where I learned that although I'm brushing my teeth properly, I have some bone loss below the gums where the brush doesn't reach and so I'm going to have some work done in those areas.Lots of $$$$ even with insurance. Tra-la. But first I have to get a root canal. Oooo.
On the way home I spotted at the local Cokesbury store and picked up couple of copies of "The Upper Room" devotional. I plan to give them out when I start my "visitation." Then I made my first call on a guy named 'Paul". The visit went well. He freely offered that he stopped going to the church about the time he'd had surgery and the previous minister resigned to take another church. I think he felt abandoned. Then he said he missed singing in the choir. (Now he can't because of breathing issues and the oxygen bottle he carries with him at all times.) Since he had an appointment to go to we didn't get to talk much, but he seemed to appreciate my visit and accepted the items I gave him. It really felt good to be connecting with people in the way I used to, that is, "in a clergy capacity." I almost felt energized as I identified myself to him and the son and the reason for my visit. I think that'll make subsequent visits to others easier.
Then I went to a local place called The Fig Tree. It's owned by a member of the church and I thought I'd just stop in and meet her. She wasn't there, but I did meet one of the employees, who, as it turns out was also a member of the church. In fact her father is the guy who has been encouraging me to sing with the worship team.
When Dee got home from work, she put the finishing touches on the crock pot dinner of a beef stew dish that was heavenly. We stayed in for the evening as it was really cold out.Dee worked on new holiday curtains for the kitchen. (See picture tomorrow) and I did some reading in the living room with the Christmas lights, fireplace and Christmas music by that Mannheim group. I find that space so relaxing with the white lights on the garland and the tree. uummmm.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Relaxing Day
Yesterday Dee had the day off, so we were able to do some things together. In the morning she went to contours and I worked on memorizing the notes and words for the quartet song we're doing on Dec. 14. Then I went to Rotary luncheon. There was no speaker, but we did have a club assembly, That's when we talk about what the Board did and how they are spending the money we raised to give away. They're also planning to go caroling next week after the luncheon - to three nursing homes in the area. and the following week they'll be giving Rotary coloring books (with a good story about ethics that highlights the Rotary 4-Way test) to the 2nd graders and dictionaries to the 3rd graders of the Pine Richland school students.
Afterward I went home and took Bonz for a nice long walk. The weather was nice and the temp at about 45. In the afternoon, we went through the storage boxes and looked at the other Christmas things we have there. We also put the nice lighted ceramic Christmas Tree that Donna made for us in 1972 on the kitchen counter. It brightens the corner just fine.
In the evening Dee got a phone call from Ellen M. so I went up to the living room to read while she talked on the phone in the basement. The living room looked so nice and inviting with the Christmas lights, so I put on some soft Christmas instrumental music, turned on the fireplace (and the glowing embers feature that John C. showed me) and just relaxed reading my book about FDR's first 100 days. I listened to 3 Cds before Dee came up.
Dee suggested that we used the hot tub again, and since I'd balanced the chemicals earlier in the day, I knew it was ready for another dip. We finished off the red wine Donnie gave us and enjoyed the bubbly in the bubbly. We'd discovered another feature of the hot tub we didn't know about. It changed the jets direction and flow and made the massage feature even nicer. Ahhhh God is good.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Planning on Visitation
Yesterday I decided to work a little on this "visitation ministry" I'm going to be doing as a volunteer for our church. I plotted the people's addresses on a map of Cranberry Township. I learned where the people lived in relationship to each other. I was surprised at how they group themselves into 3 main sections of the map. I also went to the church to see if they had copies of last week's bulletin and a copy the "Daily Bread" devotional that I could give to people when I visited them.
I've been struggling with how to introduce myself on the phone since none of these people will likely know that I've been "approved" by the church Session to do this. I've written a couple of scenarios to introduce myself, and they all seem too wordy. For instance, they mention that I'm calling on behalf of the church and pastor and that we're trying to connect with the people and learn what their needs are so we can minister to them and their families more effectively. However, the more I think and pray about it, I'm drawn toward just cold calling on them. And if they're not home, leaving the devotional, bulletin and my card. And if they are there, then just introducing myself indicating I'm the new minister of visitation from their church (which they likely haven't been to in a long time.)
I also worked on the Bogmeister music some. There are two songs I don't really know well enough to feel confident singing. I tried to play them on the Qchord, and that helped me hear what the notes are supposed to be. We're singing again this Saturday evening at the Butler Country Club as "carolers" for an hour during their member banquet. That should be fun. (That'll be a busy day since I have the Air Force worship service at 3 p.m.)
After Dee came home and we had dinner, I finished decorating the tree with some blue bulbs and some white flowers. The bulbs are about an inch or two in diameter and since the tree is in the loft, they don't stand out much. But they are nice there just the same.
I had a nice talk with my mom. She seemed pretty alert, has picked up her medicine refills, and reflected on her visit with us on Thanksgiving. We talked about her coming to hear the Bogmeister show on the 15 of Dec. I told her I'd pick her up and bring her and that she should pack her bags for an sleep over at our place. She's happy I'm singing with the group and always likes to hear about what we're doing.
WE finished the evening watching a couple of programs we'd recorded.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My New Santa Hat !

Yesterday was a day for more decorating (put the tree up in the loft area). Also, I began writing and sending Christmas cards. I'm going to include a flier for our Bogmeister "Ringing in the Holidays" flier with the cards to encourage people to attend the fun night of great barbershop harmony music we've planned for Monday, December 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pine Richland Elementary School.
I'm happy with the way the decorting is coming along for the holidays. I've never really been into that, but decorating this place is fun. And especially since Dee is working three days a week, and I'm not except on weekends occasionally (I do the Air Base worship this Saturday for the 171st Air Refueling Wing) I have time to get the stuff out, and put it up. Dee then tweaks it with her special touch so it meets her standards. Here is a photo of our new garland on the staircase and the lighted tree in the loft.
After I got home, we took a dip in the hot tub. Nice. There was a breeze, so when it blew by, it really chilled the already cold air so that anything out of the water was COLD, but everything under the water was very cozy. We broke open a bottle of red wine Donnie brought us from the Renaisance Faire they attended. Sipping wine in the hot tub - ahhh heavenly.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The First Sunday of Advent

Sunday was much more relaxed in that we took our time reading the morning paper before heading off for worship at 11 a.m. It was the first Sunday of Advent and communion Sunday. It's the first time I didn't do the candle lighting ceremony with a family of the church. But it was good to see how someone else does that part of the service. Also, it was nice to see the results of the decorating group's work. The tree I helped put up was festive with children's hand made ornaments. The tree near the pulpit in the sanctuary was trimmed in gold and white with Chrismons on it. And there was a "giving tree" decorated with tags for needy children in the area. (Much like our Angel Tree). And there was a creche on the floor near the pulpit. The choir sang an Advent song that was well done and appropriate for the day. The Campbells were there when we arrived and we sat with them as usual. We had a nice chat after worship before they headed home.
I stayed for quartet practice afterward as we got ready for singing on Dec. 14 worship services song, "In the Bleak Midwinter." I'm trying to memorize the words and notes so I can look at people while I sing and not rely on the sheet music. We're winging acapella. It's coming along. Back home I got out the new microphone I bought and hooked it up to the computer and recorded my part, and then I put it on my ipod so I can hear the notes while I sing. Cool. It should help.
We had lunch at the Chinese Palace restaurant near our home, and then went home to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers beat the New England Patriots in the rain. The Steelers won handily. Nice. We spent the rest of the evening reading and then watched "The Unit" before going to bed.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A Trip to the Big City with Family
We spent Saturday with Kerri and Patrick. The day began with me making my famous oatmeal for everyone. The walnuts, flax and brown sugar were added to each person's taste. To my surprise some people don't pour milk on their oats.
Then we went to McGinnis Sisters where Dee could show our family around and introduce them to her boss. Then we headed out to the Strip District and downtown Pittsburgh. Kerri wanted to gt a tiny Palamalo Steeler shirt for the new baby to war home from the hospital in April. We explored some of the Steeler clothing stores in the Strip and then had a fantastic lunch at a new place for us. It was called Belle Nolte (Beautiful Night). It's a Pizza shop with various kinds of sandwiches. Kerri had a piece of pizza that she shared and it was "outa this world". The crust was crisp but crunchy and yet soft on top with real fresh mushrooms. Pat and I got the Italian Stallion sandwich and Dee and Kerri had a Philly Steak and Cheese. What a great meal! We'll be back there for sure.
From there we headed to the Market Square area of the city and found a parking spot on the street (no need for a parking lot) and walked over to the PPG ice skating rink and large Christmas Tree. PPG had windows filled with gingerbread houses made by school children. Inside the Atrium, there were more prize winning displays of gingerbread houses in a village and train setting. (See Photo)
As we walked around, we looked at the "Santa's from around the world" displays. Here's one of the Irish Santa with Pat and Kerri.
As it turned out, there was to be a concert by the "Trombones on Ice." There were 80 trombones along with trumpets, tubas and flugelhornes among other brass instruments. The musicians were of all ages grade school through 70 years old. They played Christmas music specially arranged for brass. Awesome
When we returned home, Kerri took a nap since she'd been sneezing all day. Her allergies had kicked in and there aren't many approved meds for a pregnant person to take for allergies. She was worn out. Looked more like Rudolph than Kerri. Afterward, she and Patrick headed out to Megan's place for a dinner planned for them. They decided to stay in the Monroeville area overnight because it was about 45 minutes closer for their drive home.
What a wonderful visit we had with them! My new son-in-law is easy to talk with and we find lots to talk about. Kerri looks radiant as a mom to be. And we shared their joy and excitement about their moving to a new place the week of Christmas in preparation of the new baby girl.
After they left, we chilled for a while and then went to Barnes and Noble for a relaxing time perusing books and magazines. Back at home we watched a recorded television program and then hit the sack. What a great weekend!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Time with Pat and Kerri

Here is another photo from our breakfast yesterday.
We finished the day watching a couple of close football games and then we all went to themovies. We saw "Four Christmases" with Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn. It was about two dysfunctional families at Christmas. The story wove in the theme of the importance of honesty and being truthful and did it in a humorous way.
When we got home we chatted awhile and then watched the Christmas episode of "Psyche" and called it a night.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day went well. I picked up my mom at her house and brought her to our place. She and Bonz did well together. She even let him sit on her lap briefly in the basement on the lazyboy chair. Kerri and Pat and Don and Veronica joined us for the dinner. Everything was superb and the Amish Turkey pictured here was awesome! We sure laughed a lot telling funny stories of family events.
Later, Jan called and talked with mom and later me. She had us look up Luke's Drexel a capella choir on You Tube so we could vote for him and so we all could see his group singing.
On Black Friday we went to the Freedom Square restaurant for breakfast. I had coupons for each of our meals so that made it nice. Then I took my mom back to Monongahela and we stopped to give the pharmacy her prescriptions to be certain she gets what she needs for the next month. She's to pick them up tomorrow. We also checked out a concern she had about gas company right-of -way work above her property. Everything looked fine. We found one of the property markers to indicate her property line. She was concerned that some of the work up there might cause trees to roll down onto her property. Everything looked fine to us. Then Pat and I drove back to Cranberry and re-connected with Dee and Kerri at Babies R'Us. Then we had lunch at Primanti Bros. Restaurant and watched the Pitt defeat West Virginia in the Backyard Brawl. It was a close game with a nail-biting finish.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Garland was Hung on the Banister with Care

On Wednesday while Dee was at work, I picked up the Amish Turkey and eggnog before the store got busy and then went to the Rotary meeting. It was Turkey Raffle day. Everyone brought in wrapped gifts to be raffled off. And there were 5 turkeys as part of the raffle. The tickets cost $20 for 10 tickets. Some people brought several gifts to be raffled off. All proceeds went to the Lighthouse Agency. Some of the wrapped gifts were gag gifts and others were nice - like bottles of wine, boxes of candy, etc. I won a large box of mixed nuts with a nice bow.
What amazed me about the whole thing is that the prizes cost most people next to nothing, and then we all chipped in $20 to play the raffle game. Some people bought more tickets because it was for charity. Anyway, when all was said and done, we raised about $1,200 for the Lighthouse. And had fun doing it. Amazing!
Later I took Bonz to have his claws trimmed and ground just to be sure he didn't accidentally scratch anyone tomorrow. The I hung the garland on the staircase and went to get a wireless remote switch set that can turn lights off and on without having to go and unplug them. It does up to three outlets. During the evening Dee tweaked the garlands and lights and we discussed where we might put the tree. But that's for another day.
The creche is up
Yesterday I went to the men's Bible Study at church - our topic was the transfer of power from David to Solomon and Solomon's reign as king. We noted that David told Solomon to "be a man". this led us to a discussion of what it meant then to be a man and what it may mean today. We shared about defining moments when we felt we asserted ourselves as adult males in relationship to our fathers. Good conversation.
Afterward we all helped put up the two Christmas trees at the church. One was a 12 foot tree and the other was about 5 feet tall and had a ball on the bottom of roots and soil wrapped in burlap for later planting on the church grounds. The tall tree is in the fellowship and greeting area and the smaller one is in the sanctuary next to the pulpit. With all the guys helping to put the tree up (we used some scaffolding and they had a hook in the ceiling to steady it if for any reason it should tip to the side.)The congregation will be decorating them on Saturday morning at an "Eat and Trim Breakfast".
Afterward, Earl took me home and I showed him the dining room table leaf he made for me 25 years ago. He'd forgotten all about it. It still looks like the day he created it. It's a perfect match. We put it in the table in preparation for Thanksgiving Dinner. Later I put some finishing touches on the creche scene in the basement. The figures were made by my mom (I think) when she took a ceramics class many years ago. She gave us the figures on Christmas and we've used them before. The little shelf in the basement is a perfect place for it and we see it every night when we're reading the paper or watching television.
After Earl left, I sent the recordings of our Bogmeister chorus to the director so she could send them to the people who need them. I was glad the microphone worked as well as it did. We'll tweak it some for future recordings, but it was a good start.
In the evening Dee and I went to the worship service and "pie social" afterward at the church. There were about 75 people there. It was a nice event. We met some new people and got to build on relationships we've begun there. And the tree was still standing from our morning efforts at putting it up.
After we got home, we built the "lighted village scene" on top of the fireplace that divides our living room from the dining room. I'll put a photo of it on the blog tomorrow. Dee arranged the village and I was the gopher who handed the items when she needed them. It really looks nice. I think I'll get a remote switch so I can turn it on and off without having to plug it in each time I want to light it up. (I could use one for the rope lights on the deck too.)
Our next decorating project will be the garlands for the staircase banisters. The"garland grabbers came from QVC and they seem to fit the banisters just fine. More to come...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Practice for "The Shows" during December
Yesterday while Dee was working I did the various errands on our list. Signed Bonz up for the Brickyard Dog Kennel in advance of our Christmas trip to be with Kerri and Patrick. (I was surprised how many places were already completely booked up for that holiday week.) Dee has a co-worker who uses Brickyard Kennels and she said it's clean and her dog really likes it.
I picked up some snow for the fireplace village, did the banking and so on. Then when Dee got home we had a very quick dinner (sandwiches) together. I had to go to Barbershop practice early to set up my new microphone and old laptop so we could record the practice session songs. Our director wants to use the recorded songs to make part dominant voice overs for the new people so they can learn their parts quicker. The recordings turned out pretty good for our first try at it. I had invited a new guy at church to come to Barbershop practice and he came! He likes to sing, even though he can't read music, and he did just fine with the help of others in the group. I hope he comes again.
Later, when I got home, Dee and I took advantage of our hot tub and the relatively warm evening ( 40 degrees) before the snows came. Ahhhhh.
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Quiet Day
Sunday we went to church and attended the Sunday school classes prior to worship. I continue to be amazed to the number of children and youth attending each week. It's nice to see the various age groups there. After worship I practiced with a mixed quartet for a little since we are scheduled to sing on Dec. 14 for worship. They want to practice on Monday nights but that doesn't work for me since I already am committed to Bogmeister practice. So we got together right after worship to have our first practice. It went well.
Then, we went to lunch with Earl and Marilyn at Eat'n Park. It's always a pleasure to have lunch with them. Earl indicated they decided to join the church and plan to let the pastor know this week. That's nice.
Afterward we headed home and pretty much stayed inside the rest of the day. Dee found out that the "snow" blanket we bought for her village is too puffy and not like what she needs or thought it was. I worked on the creche background with the blue poster board and gold stars. I still have to figure a way to hang the ceramic angel. IO tried "invisible thread", but it's hard to see and tie and the angel flips right out of it. Hummmm. I'll figure it out.
We watched a little football and then a movie called "Holiday in Handcuffs". With Mario Lopez. A cute story that had issues of forgiveness, following your heart, and reconciliation themes at the end.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Whew !
I counted how many times we got in and out of the car yesterday and it was more than 8 times. Whew! Our day began with breakfast at home. Dee made some fantastic omlettes with ham, cheese and eggs. Then we went to the craft show at the Mars High School. They had so many vendors that they had to use both the HS and the Intermediate school (via shuttle buses). There must have been 200 vendors. Our friend Carlo Jean Keffer had a booth with very nice items she'd crocheted. With lots of homemade items and food as well. It was fun walking around and looking at ways people spend their time to make things to sell as decorations or jewelry for others to use. There must have been thousands of people there! But it was fun.
Next, we went to the Pine Richland HS for the "empty bowl" fundraiser sponsored by Rotaract, the Rotary kids in HS. The ceramics department made pretty bowls they sold for soup and you could eat all the soup you wanted. They had about 10 different kinds of soup with bread and dessert and beverage. The funds raised go to support the Lighthouse Food Bank. While we were there a couple of the kids came over to say hi as they recognized me from other Rotary events. That was nice. Last year they made about $2,400.
After that we went to check out a kennel in Mars where we plan to leave Bonz during Christmas week. It was nice and clean and closer than the other kennel we used. Next on our list was Costco to pick up a couple of items we were out of. It's always fun to go there. And the lines move along very quickly, even on Saturday. After that it was off to Joann Fabrics to pick up items to complete our creche display and also the village display Dee is putting on the fireplace mantel. Then, off to Loafers to get a free loaf of fresh baked bread, and Lowe's to get some potting soil a pot for Dee's orchid plant.
Then to Verizon to get Dee a new phone and renew her contract for 2 years. She also picked up her work schedule for next week. It's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then she's off the rest of the week. I went to Giant Eagle to return our movie.
Whew! We got a lot done. And learned that the best time to shop is during the week as Christmas gets closer. Since Saturdays are already crazy out there.
We finished the day by watching some Penn State and Pitt football as well as a couple of things she'd recorded. It was good to see Penn State win and qualify for the Rose Bowl Game!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A Relaxing Day
Yesterday there was some snow on the ground, but it didn't really amount to much. So Dee went to exercise and I stayed home and did my vacuuming and house chores. When she came home, we went out to Eat'n Park for lunch. I like their chili and soup there. Afterward, we picked up some groceries for Thanksgiving dinner and headed home.
I continued reading the book about FDR's first 100 days. It's called The Defining Moment. Good stuff. Later in the evening we watched the movie, Charlie Wilson's War which we rented from Giant Eagle for a buck. And we heard from Kerri who traveled to Florida for a meeting today.
We're excited to see Kerri and Pat at our place for Thanksgiving and will be going to help them move into their new place the week of Christmas. We found a kennel to leave Bonz in while we're gone. The place we usually leave him was filled as were two other places we tried. We're going to check this place out today. We anticipate it will be fine, but we'd like to see it first.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Kerri says, "It's a GIRL !"

Yep, Kerri called to tell us the news. It's official. The doctor said all is well and that she was doing yoga. Current weight 10 oz.
Dee worked yesterday, so I fussed with my new microphone and the computer. I tried to record my Bass notes so I could sing along and get the words and notes right. It took a while, but it's coming along.
I picked up some a couple of items like hot tub test strips and throw rugs for the bedroom and a color cartridge for my wireless printer. I always stop to say hi to Dee at work, and that's when I told her that Kerri had called with the news. She was as excited as I was to know what the doctor said. They're looking at a due date between April 14-18, 2009.
When Dee got home we went out for dinner at a new place. It was okay, but the menu was mostly pizza and Stromboli stuff. The price was reasonable, but likely we won't be going back any time soon. Afterward, we picked up a large rubber made type container for storage and headed home to watch the Steelers beat the Bengals. During the game, we usually watch something we've taped as well. flipping back and forth from time to time.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Funeral (s) and time with Old Friends
Yesterday when Dee went to work, I went to an old friends Memorial Service. The service was for the wife of a pastor friend who preceded me at my very first church, the Mooncrest Community Baptist Church. The newspaper said that he had served that church for 10 years and that it was his only pastoral congregation. It seems he and his wife eventually founded a personal care home here in Gibsonia just 5 miles from my house. The service was very nice. It was packed with friends and family. It was interesting to watch another clergy lead the service and make the connections with the family. Tim did a good job.
One of the reasons I went was in hopes of seeing some of the members of my former church. As it turns out there were 6 people from my first congregation there. Four of them I hadn't seen in 35 years (they are now in their mid 70s)and the other two we looked up shortly after we moved here earlier this year. It was really nice to see them. I recognized the husbands. I said quietly, "Is your name John?" and John said with a smile on his face and an outstretched hand "Hi Paul." And to Parker I said the same to Parker. Their wives saw us shaking hands and then recognized me I guess. There were hugs all around. Since they were on their way out of the sanctuary to the cemetery, we didn't get to talk much. I showed them Dee and Kerri's pictures. I didn't go to the cemetery. But it sure was nice to see them after all those years. The four had moved to Sandy Lake.
I left the church in the North Hills and went to Rotary for lunch. To my surprise Ron, Rita and Madelyn Campbell were there. (Earl and Marilyn's son and family). Maddie was being honored as an outstanding student along with 5 other students from Mars High School and Pine Richland High School. We had a nice chat. It was good to see them. I hadn't seen them for many years, although Dee sees Rita at the gym almost weekly. I enjoy hearing the high school seniors talk about their activities, various ways they do community service through the schools and also their hopes for the future.
After Dee got home, we went to Butler. We dropped off some things at Ruthie's, had pizza and salad at Russ and Kathy's and got to see Marissa and the new baby, Conrad, now four months old who was born on my birthday this year. Afterward we went to the funeral home in Butler to see an old friend of Dee's at the funeral home. She was able to reconnect with the daughters of the man who died. She'd grown up with Patty and Bev in their old neighborhood. Plus, a man named Joe K. had returned to the funeral home in the evening because he wanted to see Dee and say hi.
Quite a day really. We saw people we'd know for at least 40 years plus. That sort of thing could never have happened in NJ. We were just too far away. It's nice to be here. We are blessed.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Snow Squally Kind of Day
Since Dee worked yesterday, I was in charge of running around to pick up items we'd seen before in stores and decided to get, However, I began the morning by creating a flier for our Bogmeister show on December 15 at Pine Richland Elementary School. I made a couple of rough drafts and then sent them to the director so she could tweak them as she saw necessary.
I also began reading through old sermon files to see which ones I thought were good for future use and updating. I rather enjoyed reading my old sermons. They had stories in them and illustrations I'd taken from life and so reminded me to things that had happened to me over the years. It's funny how some of them I recalled instantly just by the titles.
I'd talked with my mother on Monday and she seemed to be doing well. She went up to the senior center since the snow wasn't sticking to the street. She said she was glad she went as there were four students there for her line dancing class. (She told them to call her if it ever snowed and they were not going to be going out in it. That way she'd not make the trip for nothing.) I reminded her that she should be about out of medicine and that it is time to refill her prescriptions. She mentioned that the doctor's office called and asked her to come in for a check up. The appointment was for Monday, but she called and cancelled it because of her day at the center.
When Dee got home after work, we had a delicious pot roast (PTL for the crock-pot.) with baked potato and corn. Yummmm! During the evening we watched some of our favorite shows on television - "Eli Stone," and "NCIS". The temperatures were in the 20s all day blustery out, so I pretty much laid low for the day. Although it was good to get done, what I did get done.We're looking forward to Kerri and Patrick's visit next week for Thanksgiving. She sent some pictures of their new condo. It really looks nice. It's in Ashburn, VA and had a fenced-in back yard as well as three bedrooms, and a finished bacement. It looks something like our place with hard wood floors. They plan to move the week of Christmas so we're planning to go down for that. We'll plan to find a place for Bonz while we're gone. We decided not to take him this first time since there will be lots of activity unpacking and moving. Kerri is due about the middle of April. We're to find out tomorrow whether it's a boy or girl.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Our First -- Hot Tubing in the Snow
Yesterday we took our time in the morning doing things around the house. I straightened my files of stuff I brought from NJ. I'll likely use them over the next years and so I wanted to put them in order. Dee went to Contours for exercise. After she came home we had some fantastic soup of beans we bought at the church's SERRV table. Dee added some ham to it and it was superb!
After lunch I took her car to the Saturn dealer for a 3,000 mile tire rotation and oil change. Later we continued our search for garland for the stair case. We decided on some really nice ones at Costco. They'll do the job just fine. Now I just have to order the "garland grabbers" from QVC and we'll be all set.
In the evening I went to Bogmeister practice. I'd been working with Bill, a new singer who can't read music. He's been coming regularly and making slow progress. Last night, we put the sheet music down, and tried it without looking at the words and notes. Just looked at the director. What a difference! Bill made a quantum leap forward in hitting the right notes with the right words. PTL! He still has a long way to go, but I know he enjoyed it much more last night and he now has hope that he can do it.
I decided to pass on the "milk and cookies" at Ol' Uncle Bob's with the guys. Instead I came home had Dee and I enjoyed a Merlot in the hot tub watching the moon rise. Although there was snow on the deck and ground and it was 28 degrees out, the hot tub was superb!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Preaching and Visiting in Penn Hills

Saturday and Sunday just flew by... On Saturday we decided to go to the German Marketplace and festival in Harmony, PA. It was a rainy overcast day for the most part. Yet, we got so see some of the craft buildings and we ate at the Harmony Inn. It's a very old building with lots of rooms and the rooms were used for dining. It's the first time I ever went to a restaurant and had to walk up a long flight of stairs to our table. It was a very quiet place. As it turns out the food was okay but the service was below average. Later we walked around the town and found a place called Otto's that was an ice cream shoppe with lots of Christmas items and also a decent menu. We thought we might try it sometime.
On the way home we stopped at a couple of places looking for Christmas lighted garlands for our staircase Bannister. We found several, but haven't chosen one yet.
On Sunday I had to preach in Penn Hills and a nondenominational church. The service lasted about an hour and forty-five minutes so I dropped Dee off at the mall en route (where she met Lisa S. and Kathy N. for breakfast and gabbing. The service I participated in was nice. Lots of singing. They projected the words to the songs on a screen. There were about 8 musicians up front (clarinet, trombone, couple of guitars, drums and keyboard player in addition to two singers). My role was to give a children's talk and the sermon. I thought it went well.
My contact at that church handed me my little burgundy New Testament. It seems I left it at the Penn Hills Baptist Church when I preached there. And the pastor from that church gave it to him to give back to me. (I wondered where that little NT went. I like it because of it's compact size and yet larger print type.) It was good to get it back.
Later I met Dee at the Monroeville Mall with our friend Lisa. Eventually her husband, Dennis, arrived and we had a great visit right there in Barnes and Nobel. Time wore on and it was about 4 pm when we arrived back in Mars. Since I hadn't eaten lunch yet, we stopped at Smokey Bones, had a great dinner and one of the meals along with dessert were free. Aren't coupons the greatest! We also tried a short cut home and found that it was about 7 miles shorter. (We got off the turnpike at Butler interchange (instead of Cranberry), drove up route 8 and turned left at the big Methodist church, then right on Merriman, and left onto the red belt and then right on Babcock, left of Valencia-Mars Road to 228. It sounds confusing, but the latter part is a familiar drive for me as it goes past the Pine Richland Elementary School where my Bogmeister's practice every Monday (and where our Dec. 15 Christmas Show is going to be held.) We finished off the evening watch the Steelers eek out a vistory over the Chargers. GO STEELERS!
It was a blustry snowing day yesterday with no accumuliation. This morning (pictured above) there was snow on grass and cars. None on the streets. It's the first real snowfall of the winter season.