Thursday, January 15, 2009

Of Bowling and Valentines

Yesterday was a cold one for sure. I shoveled a while just to get the snow off the deck and to stay ahead of any accumulation. It was only a couple of inches deep, but it can add up. Dee went to Contours to workout. I then went to Rotary for the luncheon and program. At rotary I announced and explained the "Singing Valentines" project of my barbershop group. Several of the men seemed interested and took some of the "tear off" phone numbers for future use.

Two of the guys at my table were into bowling and so we talked about that. I learned a lot about "sanctioned league" playing. One guy bowled left handed but hurt his hand during the year and tried to bowl right handed. He found he could do it pretty well, so started bowling right handed for his league. Someone took him aside and said it was an infraction against the rules. If you start bowling left handed you have to do so the entire season. WOW ! Who would've thought.

This conversation started when he mentioned he'd purchased a new bowling ball for $200. I asked him how many bowling balls he had. He said after thinking about it, "eight." He said that he usually takes two balls with him to the bowling alley when he plays, and that some guys take more. There's another rule that says, "If you don't take all your bowling balls out of the bag when the play starts, you can't use one you left in the bag later." He also indicated that often getting the "7 pin" is hard for him, so he has a favorite ball for that shot. He noted that different bowling alleys play differently with certain balls. So it can make a difference which ball he uses depending on where he's playing. AMAZING!

The other guys at the table were just as surprised as I was regarding the many "rules." We were "bowled over" by all this new information ;)

Back home Dee and I continued to install the window "film" in an effort to make our place just a little more energy efficient. We finished the kitchen area and now will do the two front windows. The films seems to keep some of the cold out, and cuts down on the UV glare as well.

I worked at the computer surfing the site to learn more about my new hobby. I leave on Friday for a quick trip to Columbus for a training event for new chorus officers. I'm the VP for Public Relations (P-R). It'll be my job to send announcements to the radio stations, and newspapers about the singing Valentines.

Here's the deal: We'll send a quartet to sing 2 love songs to your "special someone" on your behalf. Also included is a personalized card with words from you to her/him; and a photo of her/him with the quartet to capture the moment; and a Valentine balloon. All for the low low price of $40. We're hoping to do more than fifty of these singing valentines on February 13 and 14. We'll sing at homes, offices, hospitals and even restaurants and stores. Wherever you want. If you're interested give me a call and I'll make it happen. (Note: Our quartets are good. Remember one of them sang the National Anthem for the Yankees/Pirates game last summer.) Have a great day!

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