Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bonz - one handsome dude!

Yesterday we took Bonz to get groomed. Doesn't he look great! New blue bandanna and all.

We also went and picked up a new deck umbrella for our picnic table. It's the 4th one. Hopefully this one will hold up since it has an aluminum pole and the pulley mechanism is more substantial. It was a quiet day and we didn't do much else. I read on the deck (I'm really enjoying the "What's So Amazing About Grace" book by Philip Yancey) and Dee surfed the internet checking out recipies and ideas for our new "flat-belly" diet. We also picked up more bird seed (cracked peanuts) to feed our woodpeckers, titmice, white-brested nuthatches, starlings, bluejays and northern flickers. We closed out the evening watching two of our favorite TV shows "Monk" and "Psych". We never miss them.

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