Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Busy Week

We've been having internet problems and so I've not been able to add to this blog. Sorry about that.

We're watching the Steeler game and reflecting on the week's activities. Flu shots for the both of us. A periodontal consult and then procedure for me. We were planning on going to a friend's cabin for the weekend, but the weather turned cold and damp so we decided to pass on that. We went to the local Sheraton for Friday dinner and used our Entertainment coupon. However, the fish I had was thick and not cooked enough. They re-heated it and completed the process. However, I'd already eaten some uncooked Chilean Sea Bass and got sick overnight. Lots of stomach pains, and after much moaning and groaning, I clung to the porcelain throne enough to get rid of the foul stuff. Then, I finally got to sleep about 4 AM. Whew! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Saturday, Dee and I went to the Fisher's for dinner. They were members of our Wilkinsburg church and are dear friends. I used the GPS to find Whole Foods en route to their place. It worked like a charm. If you make a wrong turn, it calibrates immediately and plots a new course. It's a Navigon 2100w. A great little tool. Much better than the OnStar (turn by turn) I was using. The key is to type in your destination before leaving home because you are not to fuss with it in the car while you are driving.

While at Fishers we played anew game called "Banana something". It's like scrabble, but without a board, and each person has to start with 21 pieces and build their own word tree. Lots of fun. Tom was by far the champ. It was a nice night out.

Today, Sunday, we met with the session of the Cranberry Community United Presbyterian Church session. They voted us into membership and will make it official next Sunday.


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