Friday, September 19, 2008

Whew !

Here's a picture from 9 months ago. My how time flies !

Yesterday Dee had to work some, so I took Bonz for a very LONG walk and then started preparing for my 10/5 preaching assignment. Later, I used the hot tub or work out a muscle ache that had developed the day before. This was the first time Iused the hot tub during the day time. It sure helped. Then after lunch I joined Russ and Bob for 9 holes of golf. Little did I know they'd planned to walk the 9 holes. These Western Pennsylvania hills are something else. Whew! None the less I played reasonably well (for me)and it was a beautiful day!

When I returned home, Dee was there (short work day) and we enjoyed a nice dinner of grilled chicken. During the day I heard back from Dom and finalized the business with him. My mom called in the evening and we had a nice talk, and then she talked with Dee for about a half hour. She assured me she'd mail the health insurance check on Friday morning. In the evening we watched some television (We'd recorded a show on the mystery channel that we wanted to see, and then an episode of "Burn Notice" we hadn't seen.) Kerri called and she and Dee talked about how Kerri had located a lot of our old neighbors' kids on Facebook. They were kids Kerri had grown up with but lost contact with after we moved away to NJ. Now with the Internet and Facebook, she's able to she where they are what they're doing, and "the rest of the story".

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