Monday, July 28, 2008

A Sunday to renew friendships

"Hope is not about everything turning out okay; it is about being okay, no matter how things turn out." This quote was in a Guideposts Magazine someone had given me at work. I thought it was pretty good.

On Sunday we went to church in Cranberry. One thing the preacher said that I especially liked was "It's possible to own something but not possess it." (That is, we have it but we don't really make it our own.) We saw the Campbells there and sat with them. We hadn't seen them for about a month. They had been attending another church and we were going to the places where I was preaching. It was great seeing them again! We went out for lunch at First Watch and got caught up on what's been happening. It seems their son-in-law has cancer throughout his body. So they've been going back and forth to Ohio to be a support to their daughter and son-in-law.

After worship, I also spoke to the pastor about singing with their adult worhsip team. (They had just led the worship service.) He put me in contact with the guy in charge and we chatted for a minute. They lead worship about once a month. He's to call me when they rehearse again. I understand they sing various kinds of music. Today they did two songs I know. There were 4 vocalists and 2 guitars in the group. We'll see what happens.

(Earl is coming over to the house on Monday to help me with the GFI switchs I need to get the hot tub in compliance before the repair guy returns. PTL !) When we got home, we read the Sunday paper and I hung some more pictures and walked Bonz around the court. It cooled off in the evening and I read till dark from, "What's So Amazing About Grace." Good stuff. Dee watered her plants and did the things around the house that make her happy. Then we watched a movie on the Sci-Fi channel called "Premonition" - a good story line.

(It sure ws nice to see the Campbells again.)

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