Sunday, June 8, 2008

Over 90 Again

Yesterday the temps soared to 91 so we kkept activity to a minimum. We took Bonz for his walk around the court and again he was great - no tugging on the leash, just a leasurely walk. What a great change since he went to doggy camp. He also no longer jumps when we come home. When John the neighbor came by yesterday, Bonz just sat and waited for us to finish talking. John gave us tickets for the symphony for today, so we plan to go after church today. (I'm preaching at Penn Hills Baptist. The first time I'll preach since retiring on January 1.)

We had a late breakfast at our favorite breakfast spot - Early Watch, in Cranberry. and then stopped at the church "Spring Fling". They had baked goods, flea market stuff, lunch foods and a car wash. We had Dee's car washed and looked at the flea market things. We searched out the Mars Farmers Market, but it was nearly finished when we arrived shortly before noon. It's there every Saturday from 9 to Noon. So we'll have to try again sometime. As it started to get hot we headed home.

Later in the afternoon we went to Barnes and Nobel to look over the books and have a frappachino. I read about Robert E. Lee's faith development in a book that had many of his own letters and comments about the contents of those letters. Then I checked at Best Buy for a home theater system. They had been out of the one I wanted, but now they have it again, but the price is about $45 more than when I saw it on sale on line a couple of weeks ago. (I'll monitor the online price for a while again.)

In the evening Dee went out to dinner with the ladies from Contours, and I stayed home and worked on my sermon for today.

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