Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Employees' Christmas Party

Dee had to work yesterday so I went to get the dog at the kennel in the morning. He'd been groomed and didn't look any worse for the stay at thee kennel while we were gone. He was happy to get home.

I did some reading from my FDR book, and just relaxed until Dee got off work. Later we went to the Employees Christmas Party at Treesdale. We sat with a couple of the other rangers and their wives. The food was great and we had a good time. There was a DJ, but no one seemed to be dancing so we chose not to. It could be that some people danced after we left. The food was made to order and it was very good. Here's a photo from last night.

We ended the evening with a dip in the hot tub. Though the air temperature was relatively warm, there was a brisk breeze and that tends to cool anything off that is above water. We enjoyed to bubbles and gets as they relaxed our muscles. Nice way to end the day.

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