Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Quiet Day

Here is another picture from my trip to the Barbershop Harmony Camp. This is an award winning Chorus from Ohio called "Alliance". They were awesome with choreography and harmony combined.

Yesterday we had a relatively quiet day. I went to Rotary a heard a guest speaker tell about the Hospice program in Butler County. Dee went to Contours and then did some grocery shopping. After it rained a little and then dried up. When it warmed up in the afternoon and we sat on the deck and did some reading. We also did some minor landscaping by planting a rhododendron bush in the back lawn and firmed up the lamp post at the front of the house. Small jobs that had been waiting to be done. Of course I took Bonz for his walk around the court. I'm pleased he's walking beside me more and more. Not quite a loose leash yet, but he's getting there.

In the evening we worked on the puzzle the Thomases gave us and I read some of the new book on Music Theory and worked on my sermon for FBC Monroeville this Sunday some. We watched the movie "The Mighty Quinn" with Danzel Washington and called it a night. As I said, a quiet day.

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