Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Friends Stop By

Yesterday the weather was perfect except for a cool breeze, nonetheless, we were able to get out and walk Bonz around the court. Dee was to meet Kathy G. and her mother from Butler for a late lunch. They also went to see Dee's mom at St. Johns. Dee said her mom had just come from the beauty parlor and looked nice. She was happy to see Kathy and her mom from Butler. I also got to talk with my mom for awhile on the phone. She asked me again how long to make the sleeves on the shirts she is altering and whether you meansure that from the top of the sleeve or under the arm. I tell her I don't know the answer to that, but just measure the shirt I gave her as a sample of the way I want it. And that the sleeves should be 32 inches. She keeps putting it off and then I think she forgets what I told her or can't remember where the note is she wrote about it.

Since Dee was going out with friends, I decided to go to the movies. I saw the "Prince Caspian" movie from The Chronicles of Narnia. Since I'd just read the book, it was interesting to see how it was portrayed. There were lots of things in the movie not in the book, but I enjoyed the movie nonetheless. The special effects are always dazzling in those Narnia movies. And, I like the story line. There is usually something I can use in it for a sermon illustration.

Toward evening, I practiced some of my Barbershop Songs and then we went to Barnes and Noble. Dee bought a couple of books to read (mysteries) and I bought "Idiot's Guide to Music Theory" complete with a CD on training the ear so I can improve my singing. The CD has exercises and lessons on it, so I put it on my ipod for use away from home. Should be fun.

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