Friday, March 21, 2008

O What a Beautiful Morning

It's always good to see the sun come up over the trees in the distance. Yesterday, I watched another program on the PBS station called, "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life." It was a seminar by a Dr. Amen about ways to keep your brain healthy. It was both humorous and practical. I've decided to get his book. By using scans of the brain, he's able to measure the progress being made as people change their lifestyles and eat foods that are brain healthy (He had a list of 12 brain healthy foods.). Good stuff.I did that while Dee went to exercise and I rode the treadmill and exercised. (Dr. Amen suggested exercising for at least a half an hour 4 times a week.)

Later I read another chapter in the Ben Franklin book. (He's finally back in America and it's 1775.) Since it was the first day of spring we went to get our free Rita's Italian Ice and then walked through Costco to people watch and try some of their goodies.

We attended the Maundy Thursday dinner and communion service at the church we've been going to. It was the first church dinner at the church we've been attending. There sure was lots of food! We enjoyed talking with the people at our table, saw a couple of people we recognized from before, and the pastor did a first person narrative of the events leading to the cross from the perspective of Peter. There were about 75 people there. It was done informally around the dinner tables. We lit candles on our tables, the lights were dimmed, and communion was done using the "intincture" method, that is, dipping the bread into the wine glass and then eating the bread. It went smoothly. It was nice to be there, to experience the time of worship and to not be in charge of anything.

It was good to see Pitt win their first round in the March Madness series. Go Pitt!

Some thought-provoking quotes: "An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." "Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." "Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak whispers the o're-fraught heart and bids it break."

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